Can we please have bl0cked! The loosical in the next title? Absolute geniusI'd love to see her do a one-woman show set in a toilet cubicle singing all these songs. PLEASE GAB. Or I will perform it in court, if that's okay.
I call it Bl0cked! The Loosical
The sun'll come out tewmorrew
Better put on twitter
All my sorrew
I hate sun
Just thinking about tewmorrew
Anti summer retweets I will borrew
Spoil your fun
Is she still registered with her doctors up north or is she back in Brighton? Because as far as i'm aware you can only be registered with one doctors practice. She really does just do whatever the duck she wants.
She's probably been stuffing ham in her incision thinking it has magical healing properties.
Dull, my dear, I have it severe
Ray, I bleeping hate the suuun
Me, it’s all I can talk about
Far, that’s what Jane has to ruuun
Sew, my favourite adjective
Lap, an operashun don’t you know
Tea, I eat like I’ve been unfed
And that brings us back to dull,
I now feel ashamed to admit that my first thought of Gobby on the loo was just a simple ‘all by myself, don’t wanna be, all by myself, WITH MY HAM’ bravo everyone
It's not in my head constantly but I'm thinking of her doing it in that overacting way she did in this cringe fest
Fewd glorious fewd
Creamed spinach and Quavers
Bad period mewd
Drowned roast with no flavours
Jane's pasta with 'sghetti hoops
Haters, don't you question
Same food on a boring loop
Bad digestion
Fewd glorious fewd
That's green, I won't try it
Sew triggering! Rewd!
Don't talk about diets
Just picture a great big plate
Mum's watery stew
Oh fewd
Flavourless fewd
Toddler fewd
Glorious fewd
Best I can do at nearlymy bedtime
I'd love to see her do a one-woman show set in a toilet cubicle singing all these songs. PLEASE GAB. Or I will perform it in court, if that's okay.
I call it Bl0cked! The Loosical
The sun'll come out tewmorrew
Better put on twitter
All my sorrew
I hate sun
Just thinking about tewmorrew
Anti summer retweets I will borrew
Spoil your fun
Fewd glorious fewd
Creamed spinach and Quavers
Bad period mewd
Drowned roast with no flavours
Jane's pasta with 'sghetti hoops
Haters, don't you question
Same food on a boring loop
Bad digestion
Fewd glorious fewd
That's green, I won't try it
Sew triggering! Rewd!
Don't talk about diets
Just picture a great big plate
Mum's watery stew
Oh fewd
Flavourless fewd
Toddler fewd
Glorious fewd