One more:
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minions,
Five hundred twenty five thousand watching this mess.
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred dumbshits,
How do they measure, measure success?
In storage, door painting, in badly drawn cups of coffee,
In whinges, in toilets, Quavers and Jane
To five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred dumbshits,
How do you measure a year in Gab's life?
How about ham?
How about ham?
How about ham?
Measure in ham...
Seasons of ham...
Seasons of ham...
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minions,
Five hundred twenty five thousands followers to buy.
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred dumbshits,
How do you explain Gabby to a woman or a guy?
In friends that jumped ship, or the fake tears she cried,
In boxes she tit, or the way that she lied?
It's time now to call out
How her lying never ends
Let's commiserate, remember a year
In her life with no friends.
How about ham?
How about ham?
How about ham?
Measure in ham...
Seasons of ham...
Seasons of ham...