VIP Member
I throw my two pence in on this. I know a lot of competitive bodybuilders and people who work in that space and this man is a con artist. Put it this way - serious bodybuilding competitors, who admit themselves that bodybuilding is basically a celebrated eating disorder, are appalled at his plans.
People, especially those who have basic or limited exercise experience, are massively over exercising on very low calories with limited guidance. The risk of serious injury or collapse is real on his “diet”
He is a bully of the kind that if you don’t follow his ridiculous regime, that even the most dedicated of bodybuilders would refuse to follow, it must be YOUR fault. Never mind it’s completely unsustainable and if you sustain what he expects then I’m sorry to break it to you but that is, at best, disordered eating.
Someone I know who used him as he was cheap (he is for the realm he was operating in at the time) and he had to hound him for the plan, it was obviously not personalised at all, food was the same daily, HUGE amounts of cardio that risked injury and counter productive to the goals he had.
I can’t comment on what he does these days as I’ve avoided him like the plague since but I know he was mostly driven out of the bodybuilding world as a serious coach due to being known as a dangerous rip off merchant.
I know at the time, he was vile to women so if he is aiming plans at women and attempting to shame them into losing weight with barbaric tactics, I would not be surprised. No one close to him lasts long, they all get fed up in the end.
edited to say - I HIGHLY recommend following Caroline Girvan programmes. I wouldn’t suggest a coach unless you have a specific goal in mind, or someone who you have really researched who practices what they preach. There are a serious amount of rip off merchants about.
People, especially those who have basic or limited exercise experience, are massively over exercising on very low calories with limited guidance. The risk of serious injury or collapse is real on his “diet”
He is a bully of the kind that if you don’t follow his ridiculous regime, that even the most dedicated of bodybuilders would refuse to follow, it must be YOUR fault. Never mind it’s completely unsustainable and if you sustain what he expects then I’m sorry to break it to you but that is, at best, disordered eating.
Someone I know who used him as he was cheap (he is for the realm he was operating in at the time) and he had to hound him for the plan, it was obviously not personalised at all, food was the same daily, HUGE amounts of cardio that risked injury and counter productive to the goals he had.
I can’t comment on what he does these days as I’ve avoided him like the plague since but I know he was mostly driven out of the bodybuilding world as a serious coach due to being known as a dangerous rip off merchant.
I know at the time, he was vile to women so if he is aiming plans at women and attempting to shame them into losing weight with barbaric tactics, I would not be surprised. No one close to him lasts long, they all get fed up in the end.
edited to say - I HIGHLY recommend following Caroline Girvan programmes. I wouldn’t suggest a coach unless you have a specific goal in mind, or someone who you have really researched who practices what they preach. There are a serious amount of rip off merchants about.