Fitness Guru's

Would they not have checked it anyway? There must be a reason he told them. Say the solicitor advised him to post that because there’s no way he would do it himself after his last video. Putting the girl through the courts and still not admitting he had done something wrong is despicable
Reading the statement again I bet he has signed ownership over to the girlfriend
He comments turned off and I’ve no doubt he has no choice re his business as he’ll be getting sentenced in December. He’s dropped down to 34.8k followers he was at 35.3k this morning.
What did he say in the video?


His whole world had been turned upside down. He found out who his real friends are. Very few people contacted him to enquire about how he is and how his family and baby are. The easy thing to do would be to end it all. People said he did, and someone even rang his mother to ask if it was true that he had committed suicide.

There were tears.

No mention of what he had actually done though, nor any apology for it.