Falasious #6 Big T can barely move her legs, but still reckons she’s losing whilst living off bacon and eggs

Surely there isn't a long shelf life for people like Teresa on TikTok? What is she going to flog in January when people haven't got any money? Also I simply cannot understand who in their right mind would be influenced by anything these people flog.
I think it’s quite egotistical of her to sit there scoffing her mouth hoping people will watch. Her views have dropped significantly so people are already bored with seeing her eat.
Would he really WANT to get his leg over this heap of flab?? 🤢
I doubt she can anyway due to her size, he would need to be quite strong to lift her stomach.
When she’s eating streaky bacon everyday which is basically pieces of fat of which she then drizzles with maple syrup there’s no way she’s on any weight loss journey.
Someone asked her the other day why she burped so much when she ate…it’s probably because she inhales the food without hardly chewing.

Invited to Carluccios but fucks up the pronunciation. She’s so dim. Pisses me off that this village idiots gets freebies. Stuffing her fat mouth. Bloody scruffbag. Come on FAT-T let’s have a weigh day Sunday, you huge liar!!!!
She always squeezes herself in looking out to the restaurant with her back towards the wall, is this to hide her flabby back…she went all out with the freebies, ordering loads off the menu. Greedy Big T.