Falasious #6 Big T can barely move her legs, but still reckons she’s losing whilst living off bacon and eggs

She was live streaming last night and downed a bottle of red wine, she didn’t sound happy with her life or her “job” on TikTok. She acknowledged that she looked and felt better when she was a nanny and that was because she had a routine so she got out more. She also said she’s put on the weight she lost and the reason she no longer films the weigh ins is because it made her feel like she was at Slimming World. She said she has an annual health check and her latest one only showed she was low on vitamin D and that’s because she isn’t going out as much now that she isn’t a nanny. She knows her eating habits are unhealthy and that she shouldn’t add all the toppings but she can’t resist. As most on here suspected she said she also eats lots of chocolate and biscuits in between meals.
I can imagine the big, fat toddler at her mums, getting waited on hand and foot. Not having to lift a fat, sausage finger. Huge arse sat in the chair watching her mum work hard. Spoilt wobbly toddler. Moaning if things aren’t exactly how she likes them and nobody else gets a look in.
She should be inviting her mother for dinner for a change, she doesn’t seem to do much for her mum and yet her mum is still waiting on her. Big T acts like a big overgrown toddler. I bet her brother and his kids don’t get a look in when it comes to their mother…I can just see Big T having a meltdown if she’s not given all the attention.

She said she isn’t showing what she got for Christmas this year as people get annoyed, but she already knows that Mark has got her some things she wanted…of course he has she probably laid down her demands weeks ago. Again, she reminds me of a big baby wanting loads of presents and throwing her weight around if she doesn’t get what she wants. Greedy witch.