Fabulous Pharmacist - Laura Dowling

Sure when David Grimes did his video where he sourced a supplement (which included her mushrooms) he showed the prices per unit that these chancers are paying and it was pennies!! She's charing about thirty quid per pot so I'm not surprised she's making a fortune, fools and their money and all that..... Throw in Vulvas on Tour or whatever it's called and you can add on another few zeros. Madness how easily a certain cohort of women are to throw money at what's popular.
‘Vulvas on Tour’ - Howling 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 everything you say is 💯 right
That dinner looked rank - the scaldy chicken breasts (she didn't even trim off the bloody bits :sick:) a dribble of oil and a stock cube crumbled over them and the shite roasted out of them. Why does she record these types of dinners?! Food is definitely just fuel in that house.
That's the thing, why film that tit. Like the editing that took to upload that. To be so conscious of the camera rather than just cooking bleeping dinner like a normal person. Living with these ppl who are obsessed with filming everything must be tiresome. Even moreso when it's not a frickin teenager .
That's the thing, why film that tit. Like the editing that took to upload that. To be so conscious of the camera rather than just cooking bleeping dinner like a normal person. Living with these ppl who are obsessed with filming everything must be tiresome. Even moreso when it's not a frickin teenager .

It's the constant need for engagement to keep the algorithm going. That's why we get the rubbish gross dinners and the ridiculous embarrassing non-yoga. She knows she has to feed the beast. It must be exhausting and honestly, kind of demeaning. But, it's filling the pension pot I guess.
It's the constant need for engagement to keep the algorithm going. That's why we get the rubbish gross dinners and the ridiculous embarrassing non-yoga. She knows she has to feed the beast. It must be exhausting and honestly, kind of demeaning. But, it's filling the pension pot I guess.
💯 Their all at it and this shite of what uz up to for the weekend, Netflix recommendations, what uz make for dinner.
I'll share the responses
The queen of this shite is the mindofamammy for me.
Does my head in.
The ADHD diagnosis hasn't made her any more likeable. Still a right dose. Worse, actually.
I found her stories all week to be obnoxious. Everyone commenting after she'd disclosed that they wondered how she 'did it all'. She'd be in the hairdressers and getting work done and running with the boys from drop off etc. She has literally described most Mon-Fri of my life, it's relentless except I don't have time for regular curly blow-dries, endless yoga/workouts and aesthetic appointments for Botox etc. She just seems like a busy mum to me but what would I know...
I found her stories all week to be obnoxious. Everyone commenting after she'd disclosed that they wondered how she 'did it all'. She'd be in the hairdressers and getting work done and running with the boys from drop off etc. She has literally described most Mon-Fri of my life, it's relentless except I don't have time for regular curly blow-dries, endless yoga/workouts and aesthetic appointments for Botox etc. She just seems like a busy mum to me but what would I know...

That was my thought exactly. Just bust trying to multitask with work, home etc. I am always on the go - no ADHD here - just v busy!
At least fifty percent of people I follow have ADHD. Funny that right 😳

The other 50 are just undiagnosed.
That was my thought exactly. Just bust trying to multitask with work, home etc. I am always on the go - no ADHD here - just v busy!

I really don't be one of those people, but here I go. I think our environment has given us all "ADHD" or at least, what the symptoms of ADHD are. I don't know anyone who wouldn't answer yes to the majority of the questions as the world that we live in today forces us to have attention deficits. I don't want to belittle the diagnosis as I know so many people really clearly suffer, but I have to admit that the criteria really feel that most of us have been conditioned to have it because of our current world.

I'm not even sure if I'm making sense as I'm distracted and have 18 tabs open and am also watching Netflix whilst filling a Dunnes basket but like you get me.