I condemn it all especially your notion that people voicing concerns on issues affecting them is racist, it might surprise you to know there’s legal migrants ( of all denominations) that pay thousands for visas also condemn open border policies, it’s not exclusive to white people … shock , horror !You didn't condemn the incidents I posted. There are far more racist attacks against non-white people than white people, FFS.
I guess I imagined the mid 50s looking white man ahead of me in the bus queue the day after the referendum telling a black woman that she was a black witch for accidentally walking into him whilst he dithered boarding the bus, or on the day after, a man of the same description telling two Spanish men on a bus talking in their language to duck off back home or speak the same language. I'd never seen incidents like this before in London. The racists had their last hurrah with Brexit.
We also see a few people on this thread occasionally drop their masks and show themselves for what they are so let's not make out that xenophobia & racism wasn't a notable factor in the referendum.
Funny that you countered my post with what came across as a "What about the poor white people" post, then. Let's face it, most posts on immigration issues on social media usually end up boiling down to thinly veiled "I don't want foreigners over here" statements.I condemn it all especially your notion that people voicing concerns on issues affecting them is racist, it might surprise you to know there’s legal migrants ( of all denominations) that pay thousands for visas also condemn open border policies, it’s not exclusive to white people … shock , horror !
Indeed it is for the most part. Just shows you what inflammatory rhetoric can do to embolden racists.I thought London was a beacon of tolerance Pete?
Odd you assume that all those who voted for Brexit are racists?? I was pointing out it’s not just white people are racist it’s pretty common amongst all races. So you’ve only got sympathy for the non white victims?? Says more about you than those you point the “racist “ finger at.Funny that you countered my post with what came across as a "What about the poor white people" post, then. Let's face it, most posts on immigration issues on social media usually end up boiling down to thinly veiled "I don't want foreigners over here" statements.
Indeed it is for the most part. Just shows you what inflammatory rhetoric can do to embolden racists.
It doesn’t read that way to me!Except I did not say that, did I, re all those who voted for Brexit? By your "logic", you not posting condemnation of the incidents I witnessed until I mentioned it means you only have sympathy for white victims.
The whole issue of immigration is contentious and it doesn't usually take long until someone drops the facade and comes out with statements that are racist or certainly phobic (such as Islamophobic) in some way. To negate the effect that the kind of rhetoric that Farage came out had on Brexit is not based in reality. That Breaking Point poster did much to stir up things, and he full well knows it. That's all he's good for, being a tit stirrer.
They must do ? I see no link to Brexit and uncontrolled immigration as it never affected my part of the world .Your comprehension skills clearly need some honing, then.
How often was it used?Losing the benefit of the Dublin regs when we left the EU was such a massive own goal in terms of managing asylum claims.
Except I did not say that, did I, re all those who voted for Brexit? By your "logic", you not posting condemnation of the incidents I witnessed until I mentioned it means you only have sympathy for white victims.
If the U.K. government didn't make better use of it that's a U.K. problem not an EU problem. Leaving the EU wasn't going to fix the fact that the government wasn't using the tools at their disposal, just took away some of the tools so that now they can't ever be used.
Plan was to negotiate return agreements with each individual country instead, guess how well that's worked out? Bottom line is that with the Dublin regs we could return asylum seekers who had passed through a safe country, now we can't.
Proper order
That should free up a few houses.
Pete M
You can bore off with your usual BS of 'racism and xenophobia' towards those you don't like, usually those with right wing views.
From what I can openly see, there is plenty of 'racism and xenophobia' going on in left wing circles too.
There certainly seems to be plenty of 'racism and xenophobia' bandied around at Palestine matches, and towards Jewish people in general - by those on the left.
But of course, many on the left are so blinkered and self unaware in their views of 'racism and xenophobia'. As far as they are concerned, throwing around 'racism and Xenophobia' towards Jewish people is acceptable and 'fair game'.
They are happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with Muslims who openly spout 'racist and xenophobic' abuse to Jewish people. Without challenging this, or even joining in the hate.
However, when people stand up to this, they are labeled as the 'bigots, racists and xenophobes'.
So please, just bore off.
Until the left gets its own house in order, you are in no position to spout 'racism and xenophobia' to other individuals/ political groups you don't like.