What kind of a loser has WLS and doesn’t do an update of how much weight they’ve lost at their 1 year anniversary. The clue is in the name - WEIGHT LOSS surgery. It’s not diabetes reversal surgery or cancer detection surgery.
Imma in my experience it’s impossible to make progress unless you face reality. We ALL struggle with our weight to some extent, lots of us struggle more than others. I’ve put 4lb on over Christmas and Jan lockdown because I’ve been comfort eating and eating out of boredom, it’s been cold and icey so I use that as an excuse not to exercise. We all have set backs, anyone who has been on a diet knows how hard it is and we’d all have SO much more respect for you if you just said “I’m struggling to control my eating and I’m eating the wrong things”. Anyway my point is, I was burying my head in the sand, not getting weighed, aware I wasn’t being ‘good’ so was probably gaining and that was making me feel tit mentally and physically. The turning point came last week when I got weighed, accepted where I’d gone wrong and decided to get back on it and I’ve lost 2lb of that gain already.
Its ok to admit you’ve struggled without bringing cancer and diabetes and mental health into it.
Imma in my experience it’s impossible to make progress unless you face reality. We ALL struggle with our weight to some extent, lots of us struggle more than others. I’ve put 4lb on over Christmas and Jan lockdown because I’ve been comfort eating and eating out of boredom, it’s been cold and icey so I use that as an excuse not to exercise. We all have set backs, anyone who has been on a diet knows how hard it is and we’d all have SO much more respect for you if you just said “I’m struggling to control my eating and I’m eating the wrong things”. Anyway my point is, I was burying my head in the sand, not getting weighed, aware I wasn’t being ‘good’ so was probably gaining and that was making me feel tit mentally and physically. The turning point came last week when I got weighed, accepted where I’d gone wrong and decided to get back on it and I’ve lost 2lb of that gain already.
Its ok to admit you’ve struggled without bringing cancer and diabetes and mental health into it.