I’m new to this thread. I have tried to read through the previous pages but found 21 pages of essentially vomit a bit too much.
I have for as long as I can remember (I’m 33) suffered with the most severe anxiety around vomit/feeling sick/being sick
I am exhausted and don’t physically think I can take anymore, I am drained.
I think about/ worry about/ overthink and stress about being unwell/vomit 24/7. I am obsessed with cleaning down the doors and switches at work (I started a new job 6 months ago and now in a bigger office with more people - more people mean more germs, which was my first thought) I clean my hands so much they’re pretty red raw. I have family that are nurses who I will avoid especially at the dreaded N-virus time of year. I avoid the news and social media as talk about winter germs sends me into a spiral.
I have a ‘safe’ list of foods that I will eat, everything else I will avoid and I think it’s causing an eating disorder. I rarely drink alcohol out of fear, I don’t do fair rides or essentially ‘fun’ just Incase. I won’t eat anything that I can’t physically see/check is cooked at a restaurant (ie, the sauce must be separate from the meat so i can see it)
If anyone around me mentions being/feeling sick I will starve myself for as long as possible, I can comfortably do around 28hours currently (when I next eat though my tummy hurts) I will also be on high alert for the next 4 days stressing I will become unwell.
I spend every minute thinking are we going to catch something. I go to bed and have panic attacks worrying I’ll be woken up during the night. My daughter is 13 and when she mentions someone has been ill I’m sent into a spiral. If anyone gets up in the night I clock watch to make sure they’re okay and question if I feel like they’ve been unusually long.
I categorically won’t have any more kids out of fear of being unwell during pregnancy and then the germ balls they are when they go to nursery. We are now a blended family and the worry I feel that the kids go between two houses, two schools, double the germs is all I think.
luckily my boyfriend is so understanding and supportive, however I know first hand how debilitating it is and I don’t want him to worry about me worrying as it seems very irrational to the average person.
sorrry for the long winded message - I typically hide my fear and have only recently accepted it myself and I’m learning to talk about it before I crack up with exhaustion or insanity or maybe both