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I think no, to her it would be like admitting defeat and might be embarrassing to see old colleagues after the whole Rick debauchery.
And this is why it’s important to have a network of support. Not a gaggle of “ladies-who-lunch,” but real friends. As I have gotten older, I have realized that I don’t need a million friends, but just a few true sister-friends who I know will call me out in my stupid moments, uplift me in my sad moments and support me in my happy moments.
If – if – this is one of the reasons Elle has chosen not to return to Vancouver, its not only maddening, but it makes me sad as well. This is what happens when you isolate yourself and build your life only around a man. There’s nothing wrong with having friends who are more of “social acquaintances.” I think we all have those. But if there are no efforts made to cultivate meaningful and deep friendships, then doesn’t life get lonely?
And it’s not enough to just be “adopted” by your significant other’s friends (I remember in a number of Joe-era vlogs of the two of them going to birthday parties, camping trips, and other social outings hosted by his friends. How come we never saw anything like that with Elle’s friends?). It’s important that you have people in your life who know you outside of your relationship, and can speak to you candidly and with tough love when needed.
[Side-note: Though none of us will ever know what the Dolls’ real feelings were about the engagement, the fact that there very minimal effort was made for Elle's bridal shower tells me that: (1) the Dolls knew in their hearts that the engagement and move to Florida was a bad idea, and didn’t want to put on a party together that looked too “celebratory,” or (2) they aren’t really that close of friends, but wanted to put something together to appear as cordial and polite.
Where I come from, and the types of friends I have, I would have been backhanded to next Tuesday before getting on a plane to marry a man I hardly knew. But if I had gone to Florida and then decided to end the engagement, I knew I could go back to my community where I’ll be met with open arms followed by a series of “I told your ass not to go there!” Yes, I'd be embarrassed, but I know I'd be returning to a space where I will be supported - called out for my stupidity - but supported nonetheless.]
And please, so I don’t come across as disrespectful, I want to say that I respect that not everyone wants friends. Maybe that’s Elle’s case. I agree that in her recent WIEIAD video, she did seem a bit sad. But maybe for Elle, life is fulfilled with just having one person. The quality of the relationship with that one person is a different discussion – but I think I have tortured you all enough with my armchair therapist rant haha!