In my early 20s I had the biggest crush on a guy. We were friends and hung out sometimes, but nothing more than that. So what did I do? I made sure to do my best to impress him: made him fresh cookies, did most of the work in our homework/study groups, made sure to dress nice around him, invited him over to my parent's place which is huge and has a pool, and invited him over to a lot of freshly made dinners which mainly revolved around grilling (in my region we like to grill a lot). I also made sure to be interested in his hobbies or in whatever he was doing. I was absolutely sure that sooner or later, he would realise I am the perfect girlfriend for him.
Well you can guess what happened: a couple of months later, he got together with a girl he really liked: no cookies, homework help, grilled dinners, feigned interest in hobbies, or house with a pool required. Let's just say I learned my lesson FAST.
I am amazed that Elle is still acting this way around guys and she is almost in her mid-30s. I can't help but see my behaviour with my crush in the way she peacocks around the men in her life, showing her what amazing wife qualities she has and what a great life they will have with Mommy G footing the bills. It makes me cringe everytime she shows some new guy around Hawaii as if having a free place to crash there that will make them stay; and let's not forget that Fisherman was around during her ridiculous car-buying journey and we suspect had a big say in what car she got and that he probably gets to drive it around and pretend that it is his.
I don't think she has learned yet that men only stay for YOU, no matter how good the food, living situation, or endless budget for needless purchases, home renos, and furniture. After the Joe fiasco, I think she became extra guarded in only showing her "best qualities" to her men until she nails them down, but that means that they never really get to know and fall for the real her. I guess at this point the only man that will stay will be someone else like her who cannot look beyond the conforts she has to offer and is not annoyed by having to play the role of Prince Charming in her life. Even a huge dork like Rick broke it off because at least I think he is true to himself and has self-respect; and realised Elle was only with him because she just wants a man in her life, any man. (Yes, whatever Elle has said to spin the situation, I am on team Rick ended it after having some huge disagreement).
That being said, we will just have to wait and see if she posts anything and from where. It's probably already too late for a Mother's Day lookbook to sell scarves and jewelry.