I don't think she has learned yet that men only stay for YOU, no matter how good the food, living situation, or endless budget for needless purchases, home renos, and furniture. After the Joe fiasco, I think she became extra guarded in only showing her "best qualities" to her men until she nails them down, but that means that they never really get to know and fall for the real her. I guess at this point the only man that will stay will be someone else like her who cannot look beyond the conforts she has to offer and is not annoyed by having to play the role of Prince Charming in her life. Even a huge dork like Rick broke it off because at least I think he is true to himself and has self-respect; and realised Elle was only with him because she just wants a man in her life, any man. (Yes, whatever Elle has said to spin the situation, I am on team Rick ended it after having some huge disagreement).
That being said, we will just have to wait and see if she posts anything and from where. It's probably already too late for a Mother's Day lookbook to sell scarves and jewelry.
Is the real her even worth liking?
This is going to sound really mean but what does she have to offer outside of cooked food, a place in Hawaii, and sex?
Don’t get me wrong, on paper she looks good: she’s educated, passed the bar, makes (marginal) extra income on YouTube and jewelry/scarves, and knows how to look attractive when she wears her makeup, does her hair, etc. But she doesn’t have a lot else going on in terms of her interests and empathy. She is very vapid and boring. Her main interests consist of shopping, staying home with her cats, hoarding, and watching cartoons and Hallmark movies. She did do barre that one time, but you can tell she isn’t athletic.
If she were a nicer person maybe someone could look past all that but she comes off as very entitled and rude to service workers and even to some of her Karens who ask her harmless questions on her channel. Not to mention dishonest and untrustworthy, from not accepting returns/ghosting customers who received broken jewelry to fibbing about her residency to some B-grade magazine during Covid.
And no offense, but there are much prettier women out there who aren’t dishonest and rude like she is.
Lastly she is super needy and doesn’t do anything by herself. She needs either a man or her mommy by her side. I wouldn’t be surprised if this last guy felt suffocated and wanted out.
And this is all without mentioning the fact that she is anti-vaxx!!!
If she did break up with Fisherman, I’m sure she’s frustrated about why she can’t keep a man for so long, despite picking up all his interests in earnest. She doesn’t realize that she needs a personality transplant.