I like the idea of booking shows like butlins have done, but not swimming!
I don’t mind it if there were more of them!
At least you can use the showers now
Can’t see this going down well with the French!
Leaked details so far:
• From 21•JLY•21 anyone entering an indoor event with over 50 people or an outdoor event with over 1,000 people will need a Covidpass
• From 01•AUG•21 anyone entering a train, plane, bar, or restaurant anywhere in France will need a Covidpass
• Anyone working in health who isn’t vaccinated by 15•SEP•21 gets le sack
• PCR tests will increase in price from October
Covidpasses issued in France or other EU countries for having a recent (2-3 days) negative test, a positive test 11-180 days ago, or completing your vaccinations 2 weeks or more ago will be accepted.
We await further information about acceptance of non-EU passes such as NHS.