I’m 33. Had my first AZ dose and couldn’t move, I was so ill. Arm was swollen for 2 weeks. Just had my second (they tried to offer me moderna then noticed this was my 2nd so has to give me AZ.) I broke out in hives tonight and feel a bit off but nothing major like first dose.
I’ve obviously taken the vac but I’m hesitant about my kids. I get the infection rate in kids is soaring but I think I’d rather home school than play the lottery with their bodies? I’m not sure. Especially if they had to go through the side effects I went through with my firs5 dose, I couldn’t do that to them. I’m so wary. I think much more research needs to come out for me to get them done - and I’m not an antivaxxer at all, they’ve had all their other jabs.