VIP Member
A friend of mine who worked in a care home said all the deaths were listed as Covid in April/May at least in hers as it was less paperwork. Normally with a death they look at their final days medications as due diligence but it was just 'covid' and done. She said it was a scandal and was hoping it would be exposed as a national problem but never was.
Back to the subject of compulsary vaccines or no vaccine no entry....I am not getting too concerned yet as so many businesses once they can open as normal are gonna do all they can to claw back income. Some pub chains have lost hundreds of millions of pounds worth of revenue, same with airlines. Do we really think they will limit this to just the small percentage (at first) that are to be vaccined? The only place I can see this happening is Australia and possibly NZ.
Back to the subject of compulsary vaccines or no vaccine no entry....I am not getting too concerned yet as so many businesses once they can open as normal are gonna do all they can to claw back income. Some pub chains have lost hundreds of millions of pounds worth of revenue, same with airlines. Do we really think they will limit this to just the small percentage (at first) that are to be vaccined? The only place I can see this happening is Australia and possibly NZ.