Someone asked about the reliability of the testing on the previous thread. This is from the daily fail but Prof Heneghan explains it well -
Essentially,'If you go into an area and screen, you will pick up a background level of the virus,' explains Prof Heneghan. 'There are about 40 pathogens we know about that can cause respiratory illness, and if you tested for these, you'd find them too.'
So we’re hinging everything on testing which has a dubious record of accuracy.
My kids developed a cold towards the end of summer but it was clearly just that, a cold. I didn’t get them tested because it was such a mild one, I’m not subjecting them to a test unless they develop other symptoms.
Surely everyone in the Uk will just ignore the 6 people rule? I know my family will be. It’s just gone too far now - all we need to do is protect the vulnerable and elderly at this stage. Corona will be around for years and years to come, we can’t eradicate it, so let’s just get on with life.