Caroline Foran #4 it's all about me, you can read about my vulnerable son for a small yearly fee

I gave in and paid the €6 😂


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I gave in and paid the €6 😂
She is the worst of the worst!! Literally selling her child’s private information to get €6!

I’m actually gobsmscked!!

I have seen a family member go through all this and more, never once did I hear they sneak like she did about her son, it’s all about how she didn’t want to sit in the class room!!
My brother has sat for hours outside the school, sat in the corner of the outdoor space for football at lunch etc etc
She literally could not cope with a child with additional needs/ medical condition.
It will always amaze me how easy Caroline twists things to suit her narrative.
“Considering I can’t walk out of the room at home without it causing panic”. Give it all the way over Caroline, she swanned off to Dingle a few weeks back for the weekend so her Mam could feed her wine and tuck her into bed at night, overnight stays away from him, events, brunches, beauty appointments and everything else while he’s sat at home probably fine without her because it suits her then for him to be fine. It doesn’t suit her to navigate preschool with an anxious child, it doesn’t fit or suit your lifestyle so you pulls her son again for the second year running. It doesn’t give her any writing material or a selling point if he’s fine. She’s a shitshow of a parent, and her husband isn’t far behind her. That poor, poor little boy is going to be thrown so far in the deep end come next September for primary school, because it’s not optional. But I guess, lucky for Caroline, it’s easy to schedule beauty appointments and brunch around homeschooling 🥴🥴🥴
School next year will be increadibly difficult.
They may be able to hold him back another year but he seems quite bright so that's not ideal.
I have always thought he was neurodiverse and the anxiety is part of that package for him. He seems to struggle a lot with change and is very focused on what he is interested in.
He is absolutely on the spectrum, he seems to have speech issues. He also flaps a lot (stimming) and walks on his tip toes, classic signs of autism.

She needs a second opinion on a diagnosis for him, this is way beyond anxiety. I don’t envy her, I’d say life is miserable especially when you’re in denial over what the issue is therefore not getting the proper support
Previous asessment was based on feedback from Caroline and Barry. No reports from pre school etc.

I think if they got an autism diagnosis it would make life much easier for them all and they could get the proper supports and expectations into place before school. It's likely he would do really well at school with supports in place.
He is absolutely on the spectrum, he seems to have speech issues. He also flaps a lot (stimming) and walks on his tip toes, classic signs of autism.

She needs a second opinion on a diagnosis for him, this is way beyond anxiety. I don’t envy her, I’d say life is miserable especially when you’re in denial over what the issue is therefore not getting the proper support
oh he's 💯 on the spectrum, how it hasn't been spotted and diagnosed i'll never know . I have seen the 2 of them in a local shopping centre up and down the elevator's over and over again. The head on him i was even a bit scared lol , he absolutely looked like he was ready to kick off any second and flapping about and excited yelping . I'm sorry... up and down an elevator is not age appropriate for an over 4 year old . my son might want to do it a second time if even and he's 5 , just would be more so looking to go up to the soft play or over to the rides in the shopping centre . I did feel sorry for caroline she looked on edge and stressed . he's definitely giving them a hard time , but she needs to get him properly diagnosed . it's not "anxiety" " it's feckin autism . no child is that inflexible unless they have a diagnosis of some kind or brain issues. "His poor nervous system can't cope" . Can't cope with what ... he's been to war in the ukraine !? Realistically he has had a lovely life , so if he can't meet milestones or go to nursery it's more than just his system not coping - it's a diagnosis which he needs support and help with - not two idiots of parents looking for answers that don't mention his clear autism.
Tell me your a narcissistic mother without telling me 🙄.

Look at poor me , it’s all my little darlings fault for making me save him from falling , he’s fine but poor me and now he’s going to make me carry him everywhere ( age 4 ! ) ,poor me .

Imagine taking the time out of your day to pose yourself in the mirror and put on that face to take that picture to try get attention off strangers on the internet 🙄


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Was coming here just to point this out… how does she not realise the language she uses is so damaging, inadvertently placing blame on her son, making it his fault that she’s hurt. That poor little boy will need serious psychiatric help in the future to unravel all the things his mother did to him.

Tell me your a narcissistic mother without telling me 🙄.

Look at poor me , it’s all my little darlings fault for making me save him from falling , he’s fine but poor me and now he’s going to make me carry him everywhere ( age 4 ! ) ,poor me .

Imagine taking the time out of your day to pose yourself in the mirror and put on that face to take that picture to try get attention off strangers on the internet 🙄
He picture book on the topic was rejected by publishers so hopefully anything else she tries to write will be the same. She has zero qualifications!
I think that's why she was doing her course, I would like to think any publishers would say you've no qualifications to write about this. That will launch her, how to navigate separation anxiety, hurdles with pre- school, navigating friendship with a difficult child. The sub stack is a soft launch of chapters or full books she's going to do!!!
I am an actual qualified psychologist and when I say that ‘Goulding Method’ she’s promoting is a crock of tit I’m not even being strong enough. The idea of learning things in your sleep was a fad from decades ago, no evidence to support it and I can’t even find a paper about this so called ‘method’. She loves to promote the idea she’s engaged in evidence-based practices, but she’s just an insta hun jumping on whatever anyone recommends 🙄
I am an actual qualified psychologist and when I say that ‘Goulding Method’ she’s promoting is a crock of tit I’m not even being strong enough. The idea of learning things in your sleep was a fad from decades ago, no evidence to support it and I can’t even find a paper about this so called ‘method’. She loves to promote the idea she’s engaged in evidence-based practices, but she’s just an insta hun jumping on whatever anyone recommends 🙄
This is the exact reason why she doesn't have the capacity to do it professionally. Any rational person would know not to throw out a statement on a "study" without doing the proper research yourself that it has in fact actually been proven extensively! Imagine her as your psychologist, offering advice....the mind boggles!