Steve now saying 'just because it doesn't go on Insta, doesn't mean it doesn't happen, of course Rachael was honoured' blah blah blah.
Well if that's the case then there is no need to tag
@bowelbabe on every single post, no need to post multiple photos and videos of your wedding with captions such as 'this woman is my destiny', no need to try and raise your sorry profile through Instagram at all is there? He tagged everyone in that post but couldn't even be bothered to mention Rachaels name.
What an utter, utter prick. He is so obviously just out for himself and what he can get.
When Rachael died, and while she was alive and used to talk about him, he seemed like such a lovely sound bloke. But my opinion of him has completely changed. He just comes across as a total bellend, some of his behaviour has been appalling, i can't understand it at all.
I get that he may well be honoring Rachael in private, but this is a bloke who essentially lives his life through Instagram now, and on such an important occasion you would think he would have the decency to mention her publicly. Anyway, everyone knows it was her who started it all and that Steve and Lauren are just desperate hangers on. Rachael was immensely classy and professional and started the pod to genuinely help people - that always came across on the pod. Steve, Lauren, and Deborah tbh were only really ever doing it to raise their own profiles.
Sorry, this has turned in to a total rant, but I am just agog at this today!