and my point is - how do we know that though ? at the moment , all evidence points to she is feeling things but she’s just not sharing them , there is a difference !
she said in her video she doesn’t even know how to talk to friends about how she’s feeling so clearly she is going through some emotions about her dad but likely doesn’t know how to process them / how to feel ! It’s not as simple as her dad died …. Her father who she was estranged from died , that is a HUGE difference that I don’t think people are getting !
it would be very odd for her to share about her dad when most followers know they don’t speak and haven’t for 8 years or so .. I’m sure if MeJulie died she wouldn’t shut up about it !
I think she has narcissistic qualities and that is obvious to anyone , but I think more narcissistic behaviour would be to share about her dad online when he died (despite making her followers think she was beside herself / so close to her dad / experiencing a huge loss to garner sympathy under false pretences …
I’m happy to criticise her on lots of things but I just don’t think it’s fair to criticise her on how she’s handling a situation like this
But anyway , that’s just my opinion on the subject ! I’m sure , as ever , I’ll be proved wrong and she’ll do something awful that makes me feel like a twat for saying all of this .. it’s happened too many times and I should know better !
In Cornwall and is excited to spend some time together?! You just got back from Dubai you lazy cow!
I think this is a bit of a black and white view - the death of an estranged parent will bring up weird emotions and I don’t think we can say that she is not struggling - we don’t know what goes on inside her head .. but I would say she probably is on some level just given how complex and difficult the situation is .. and going off her past , she isn’t one to bottle up how she feels / be emotionless ! She’s a very emotional person
You can grieve privately and still be happy that you got engaged and share that publicly … my husband’s aunt died the week of our wedding but we still shared our wedding photos online and our happiness at being married … even though behind the scenes we were all grieving a loss and preparing for a funeral
i don’t feel sorry for brogan per say but we can admit she has emotions and not think she’s a bad person for not sharing an extremely tricky and personal thing on her public social media page
i do think brogan is guilty of toxic positivity on social media and only sharing the good parts of her life , I do wish she’d be more open like she used to be .. I actually rated her back then when she was more vulnerable and shared the lows and not just the highs … but yeah I’m not going to begrudge her for not talking about her dad and for being happy she’s engaged
Exactly that. She waited a few days to announce her engagement, would it have been that difficult to wait a few more? If anything, it may have helped her process things a little more as I can only imagine it’s a confusing time for her with his passing. All she had to announce was that she was taking a little break for a few days as many social media influencers do. Hell, she could’ve used Benji as an excuse. Anything would’ve been better than announcing your engagement while your family (well, brother) mourns the death of your father.No I don’t think she needs to share that her dads died and of course she can be happy about getting engaged at the same time. But constantly talking about it 24/7 and bragging about her life ALL OF THE TIME is too much I just don’t think it’s very dignified when her brother will be struggling.
She’s not just put a few little things about being happy and engaged it’s constant and just shows a lack of compassion to me. She’s not a bad person for not sharing her Dad has died that’s not what I meant.
She is a bad person though, selfish and can’t keep many relationships with people. She’s rude and self centred. I’m not going to say I think she’s probably a good person cos she’s clearly not.
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Noooooo get out of my swamp woman!!!!!
Might have to go barricade the bridge
Benji looks absolutely massive here.You can cut the sexual chemistry with a knife.... not!!!! HIGH FIVE PAL!!!!!!!! View attachment 1128650 q
Yep she's supporting her brother in private while parading her ring and lame primark-bride-to-be veil like a manic on social media. Ow kay bubsI think the one honest thing brogan has done is not talk about her dad. If she did it would be 100% for clout.
She obviously is in a tricky mindset at the moment. She’s not a robot, she’ll be grieving and hopefully supporting her brother through this.
I totally agree that this is a private thing for her and to not share that with her followers. She’s eluded to lows in her personal life and that’s more than enough. If she was weeping on stories and vlogging about her loss, we’d all be up in arms about how fake she was.
It must be nice to be ‘off sick’ and have the money to do it.So Benji isn’t well enough to go to work, they can’t travel 7 hours on a flight to Dubai and eat shit, they cancelled Disney but can go to Paris and probably eat shit. And now they are off to Cornwall to you guess it eat shit