I'm curious about how much attention she actually gets from these stories or why she posts them. I don't know if she wants sympathy comments. Is she trying to prove something to us with how ill she is? Is she hoping that someone feels so bad for her that they jump to her rescue? They find her away to go to A&E, or provide a variety of marriage proposal to her? What is she trying to achieve? Is she wanting her office colleagues to see how ill she is,? Her family since she has moved out? Friends- anyone from youtube (though I think that she has burned all of her bridges youtube wise with the British YouTubers she used to be friendly with). I do feel as if she is someone who is desperate for attention and doing something like showing her pink bucket is her way of doing it. It's like she is reaching out for someone to take pity on her and befriend her and get the attention she did for trich when she was young.
I also really dislike how she keeps using the phrase 'we,' in her moaning about how difficult her life is. She does act like she is a spokesperson for autism/migraines like she was for trich and mental health when they were not things really spoken about online.