Yes this stuff really grates me. Every time she posts about having a life that doesn’t resemble a “proper” adult’s in any way despite being in her mid 30s it prompts a huge flurry of replies from other women living the same kind of life saying “thank you for making me feel normal”, “we need to nornalise this!” Etc. If everyone in the prime of their life lived that way we would all be living in mud huts! We are totally reliant on one another as a species, there would be no doctors, nurses,paramedics, teachers, farmers, agricultural workers, policemen, labourers, builders, emergency service personnel, new people (because no new parents), no society, nothing. Living off your mobile phone earned income and your parents salaries, not saving, not having a family or contributing any kind of service to society, doing nothing but consuming and encouraging other people to consume so you can continue to fuel your consumption habits while you live like a 14 year old…. it’s just a fundamentally parasitic existence. It’s only sustainable as a choice for these people because so few do it! It’s also, for most, a fast track to depression and executive dysfunction. We are not designed for that kind of life! No we should obviously not normalise sitting inside on your phone obsessing about looking older to non-existent acquaintances until you hit menopause and realise you’ve made a terrible mistake!