She is maternally enmeshed in a big way. Best friends with her mum and dog, no other mates, romantic relationships, no colleagues - her only interaction with peers is online through 'followers' and she's very proud and defensive of this lifestyle. She doesn't have a single relationship (not just romantic) that is on an equal footing. No one should be 'best friends' with a parent because a mum creates you, quite literally. It's not an equal power dynamic because it makes you just an extension of a parent with no sense of self/identity of your own. They know all your vulnerabilities and how you think/feel because they installed them in you. And a dog as best friend...I mean that too is an unequal relationship because they are dependent on you for food and shelter - not like an independent minded human being. So all Bambi knows is master/leader/follower type arrangements, and it is sadly reflected in the romantic relationships she's briefly mentioned.
She talks about how young she looks in her 30s - well yes, she's never grown up and had adult responsibilities or stresses. She also said she doesn't have savings which means she never plans to enter the real world. It's the life I lived at 14. She kept popping up in sponsored posts but I can't take her advice seriously now because it would be like following a teenager for make up tips. I watched a few videos and there was nothing ground breaking that wasn't popular years ago. She's attractive and that's about it. She lives in a slightly delusional reality (from years of being isolated from peers) so I had to stop following her.
I do also think it is her real persona. There's a lot of men who live like her, they get called 'mummys boy' and look to find a wife to replace the mum but are just useless as adults. No life skills. No idea what a healthy, equal friendship or relationship should look like. Bambi is a woman so can't find a man who'll replace mummy, that's why she just stays at home and interacts with strangers to feel less isolated.