Ayse and Zeliha Clark #3 Beige baby number two, moving house is all they do

I think the comments have caught her off guard and she feels personally attacked, she definitely isn’t a bad mum but it’s clear to see all 3 of them caught the sun and were burnt. I wouldn’t be surprised if in future we see Pia more covered up on holidays, sitting in the shade with a hat on etc. I’m also intrigued to know if someone did actually tell her about the comments or she found them herself
For anybody who hasn't seen Zel's instagram stories... she's upset because she was 'informed' that 'a page she does not go on' where 'people say what they want' were commenting on her parenting of Pia and comparisons with Ayse's kids.

I am genuinely sorry for parents that feel judged and have faith that parents know how to care for their own kids.

I can't help but think if Zeliah is sensitive enough to what's being written here to choose not to look - then who is informing her and why? She clearly does not want to hear criticism.

Secondly, if she's 'sick' of comparisons being made between the kids - maybe stop using children for content?

It really hard to be sympathetic when their social media jobs are paying for holidays, designer goods and new houses.
I don’t know why influencers moan about places like tattle and act like it’s this awful bullying. If people were posting comments on your insta it’s out of line, but someone disagreeing with you isn’t bullying. Saying Pia looks sunburned isn’t bullying. Saying it’s unusual for a 1 year old to not be in a full sun suit on holiday isn’t bullying.

She’s clearly hormonal and tired at the later stages of pregnancy and I feel bad when anyone is clearly getting overwhelmed but that crying video was really unnecessary.
Pia isn’t burnt. Her skin goes red easily and has rosy cheeks. Just like me! To assume they would let their baby get burnt is cruel.

And what do you think of Pia being shown as content for an online creator, as a baby who can't consent to that. Would you say that is fair to a child?

Obviously it isn't nice to see someone upset but I've not seen anyone on here say she "is a bad mum" - simply that in the photos the baby looked burnt and that that would be painful- and that the mum was very burnt (which she obviously was) If you've got that burnt yourself it's difficult to see how the time in the sun was properly gauged. Even so saying that the baby looked burnt doesn't equate to a declaration that Zeliha isn't a good mum or capable of looking after a child otherwise. Being sunburnt is uncomfortable, I'm sure we've all been there.

I don't follow this thread closely but I've also not seen much comparison between the babies or people saying Zeliha wishes her daughter looked like Mia or that she was Mia. Ayse and Zeliha have literally made a career out of comparing their similarities to each other, mirroring each other and playing off on the similarities they have as twins, how things look on each other and so on. I've definitely also seen them comparing the girls looks (eg doesnt so and so look like the other one a bit here) so it's a bit rich to then cherry pick some comments on a forum that one or two people have made based on what she chooses to show and make that into a rant about 'people online' wishing she had a different baby instead and not loving her own when it doesn't mean any more than it does when she makes the comparison herself. If she's taken that from it then all she's done is upset herself.

If Zeliha is 'not reading on here at all' but in the next breath is referring to what seem to be various posts and cherry picking comments from them to spin the worst off then perhaps she should just you know....not read here, get friends that don't call her up on her holiday to tell her that someone's talking about her online, if that even happened. There's always the alternative of not putting your babies online to drag an income.
I don’t know why influencers moan about places like tattle and act like it’s this awful bullying. If people were posting comments on your insta it’s out of line, but someone disagreeing with you isn’t bullying. Saying Pia looks sunburned isn’t bullying. Saying it’s unusual for a 1 year old to not be in a full sun suit on holiday isn’t bullying.

She’s clearly hormonal and tired at the later stages of pregnancy and I feel bad when anyone is clearly getting overwhelmed but that crying video was really unnecessary.

I agree.
I looked back at the thread and there were various comments with a handful of likes...
Her holiday post on social media got 8k+ likes
It's hardly like the internet has come down on her?
People wouldn’t be saying her baby was sunburnt if she had shown her in anything remotely protective from the sun 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry but if you are posting pictures of a baby in tiny non covering swimwear and no hat and then the next picture they are bright red then yes people will put 2 and 2 together and assume its sunburn. If you don’t want people to comment on something then don’t post it publicly or at least think about what you are posting first. Oh wait thats right money is more important.
Why would a friend be on this thread to tell her about it anyway? I'd have more respect for her if she admitted to looking on here.

If she has got sunburnt herself, who are we to believe that Pia wasn't sunburnt too? She definitely looked it. But it's such a small thing to get upset about, Zeliha should be grateful for the advice. I'm sure she'll be more careful in the future.
If she knows so badly that Pia isn’t burnt, why post all they stories. She knows she’s been caught out that’s why she so upset
Exactly this! She feels guilty and probably mortified at everyone’s horror of her allowing her 1 year old to get so burnt. It’s funny that noones commented on pia being burnt before but she’s always had rosy cheeks 😂. It’s the arms legs etc that we are all concerned about zel fyi.
She is pregnant and clearly very sensitive at the moment. If you know she is reading this, why would you want to upset her further? When you are pregnant you naturally feel very defensive and protective and your emotions are heightened. Let the girl enjoy her pregnancy, Pia is fine. If any fellow mothers are commenting here after seeing Zeliha crying her eyes out, you should know better.
She is pregnant and clearly very sensitive at the moment. If you know she is reading this, why would you want to upset her further? When you are pregnant you naturally feel very defensive and protective and your emotions are heightened. Let the girl enjoy her pregnancy, Pia is fine. If any fellow mothers are commenting here after seeing Zeliha crying her eyes out, you should know better.
Person who posts on gossip site telling other posters they should know better than to post on a gossip site…
She is pregnant and clearly very sensitive at the moment. If you know she is reading this, why would you want to upset her further? When you are pregnant you naturally feel very defensive and protective and your emotions are heightened. Let the girl enjoy her pregnancy, Pia is fine. If any fellow mothers are commenting here after seeing Zeliha crying her eyes out, you should know better.

The intent isn't to upset Zeliha?
She also said she doesn't read here and doesn't care what people here have to say so no need to moderate.
I felt really sorry for zel on them stories. Having to defend been a good mum, I think it’s clear she is a good mum.
My oldest son is very pale and all it takes is him to run around a little and he ends up bright red, school once rang me to come get him cos his face was so red and rosy 🤦🏻‍♀️. I don’t think she let Pia get sunburnt, to me she just looks like she has rosy cheeks and it’s probs super warm too!

I also think they filter everything so we can’t see the true colours etc but I agree my child is the same goes bright red when warm/hot then back to pale again x