Conspiracy theorists just have a need to find some sinister meaning to every aspect of life and, while I think it's healthy to question things and not just accept everything we're told, they take it to an extreme and literally want to subvert everything.
Did anyone watch the Netflix documentary launched this week about The Cecil Hotel and the tragic death of Elisa Lam? A whole portion of it was dedicated to YouTubers/CTs who all wanted to "crack the case" and how they just wanted to find someone to blame - even trying to pin it on some guy who wasn't even in the country at the time.
They were literally obsessed by the case, visiting the hotel and running all over the place filming themselves full of excitement and posting the most outlandish theories online.
This was a young woman with bipolar who was travelling alone and had a history of not taking her meds yet they came up with theories that she was an undercover agent, that she was involved in some program to spread tuberculosis to the homeless population of Skid Row (all because there is a TB test called the LAM-ELISA), that The Last Bookstore, the last place she was known to have visited, was linked because someone looked up its domain and its postal code, put it into Google maps (why would anyone even think to do this?!) and it pinpointed her burial plot in Canada or they thought someone murdered her in a copycat of a film from 10 years earlier (she even wore a red top like the little girl so it must be true
Yes, the case was odd; yes, the hotel is a dodgy place in a dodgy area with a chequered history and the footage from the lift is creepy to watch but their obsession over it (setting up Facebook pages, visiting the hotel to "investigate", saying they could think of nothing else and even going to her grave) was disproportionate and also disrespectful to her family who clearly accepted that her illness was a contributory factor in her accidental drowning but also wanted the hotel to be held culpable for their part due to negligence. (And for the record I agree that the hotel were negligent as the whole set-up was clearly unsafe - it had been rebranded to attract young travellers yet was a wholly unsuitable environment with poor security and little in the way of safeguarding so I believe the family had a legitimate case that could have been hampered by all the crazy theories and hysteria being whipped up).
I remember a friend of mine, who is a total conspiracy nut, getting really angry when someone made a comment on Facebook about how CTs are dangerous because they stop you caring about reality. This really hit a nerve and my friend started ranting about how the opposite is true, that they care more than anyone else, hence why they get so involved. And I think these people truly believe this, they honestly think they care MORE than the average Joe which is why they feel the need to delve into everything. They feel a sense of community amongst other CTs and really convince themselves that they are doing good in the world in trying to uncover the truth behind wrongdoings.
There are, of course, also those who ate just trolls, jumping on the bandwagon as they get a kick out of stirring up trouble, but I do think many of these CTs, the true believers, start by feeling disenfranchised and become brainwashed into an "us and them" mentality where they actually believe themselves to be superior thinkers.
They can't see past the harm their causes may create because they are so hellbent on proving their theories.