It might sound petty to some people but it's made me furious. There wasn't enough food for my clients (including nothing at all for my gluten-free client), and the rest room was in a state by the time this head had finished. If we sign this client it will be in our top five for this year, so it's a big deal. The office manager agreed with me and said she'd be taking action.
I share the celiac rage. It's happened to me too many times - beats me why when the majority of it tastes like
tit with sugar on top.
Today's irritation:
Amongst the million and one other things I do, I have a number of tasks which only I do, only I can do and only I have the experience, knowledge and ability to do within the legal timescales and framework. I have a slot leading up to Christmas which I've chiseled out in order to get a specific 'project' completed, analysed and presented for approval. Last year, this was ignored and despite the New Year seeing a massive conflation of multiple deadlines, it was not approved until I practically had a tantrum on the due date (well, two days before the due date, but I wasn't telling them that, was I?).
New manager: Oh, I'll do that and report back to you with the outcome as I'm your manager and only managers should present. Too busy now, it'll have to wait until after Christmas, but don't worry, I've got your back and will make sure you don't have to do it.
Why? I wasn't asking for somebody to rescue me and protect me from the big, scary bosses (they're not), I wasn't asking for advice or permission, I was informing them of what I'm doing because now I actually have a manager, it makes sense that I should probably give them a vague idea of what I'm doing and why I am not available for a bunch of other non-time critical things. And it's not like I haven't completed this task
brilliantly every single year all by myself without being 'managed' so far. We just don't need this additional layer of management, especially when they aren't a specialist in this.
I snuck in under the metaphorical barbed wire and arranged everything to suit me with the big boss instead. I didn't mention that my motivation in getting it done early was so I can do as little as possible for a couple of days before I go on leave (and actually take all the time off instead of working it), along with not wanting to work quite so hard when I come back in January for all the other deadlines and tasks that didn't have to fall due at exactly the same time.
Haven't told my manager yet and they're not in until next week now. I'm definitely not mentioning that I'm also going to use the time to try and get some authority back over bits took off me last year and were consequently completely fucked up - not in a 'stitch up my manager' way at all, in an 'I'm the expert and I want to make sure everything is perfect just like when I had control over all of the process' way.