Annoying things your work colleagues do all the time? #7

Mean girl cliques, but the boss is also in the clique!! I have a manager, the receptionist and a case worker who are awful to the other staff members the boss gives the 3 girls the special treatment because they entertain him all day they lick each others backsides something rotten, the manager always has a target it was me this week because I am newly pregnant and submitted a sick note for 2 week as I wasn’t well & up for the job at all, in the time I was off work everyone received a Christmas bonus bar me & they have made my week so awkward & the manager has not spoke to me because me submitting a sick note was not the right way to go about things if I wasn’t feeling well I could have gone to her directly & come to an arrangement. Safe to say my hormones got the better of me & I submitted my resignation to which I was told to leave with immediate affect & not work my notice period. Then proceeded to send me a barrage of text messages 🙃
Mean girl cliques, but the boss is also in the clique!! I have a manager, the receptionist and a case worker who are awful to the other staff members the boss gives the 3 girls the special treatment because they entertain him all day they lick each others backsides something rotten, the manager always has a target it was me this week because I am newly pregnant and submitted a sick note for 2 week as I wasn’t well & up for the job at all, in the time I was off work everyone received a Christmas bonus bar me & they have made my week so awkward & the manager has not spoke to me because me submitting a sick note was not the right way to go about things if I wasn’t feeling well I could have gone to her directly & come to an arrangement. Safe to say my hormones got the better of me & I submitted my resignation to which I was told to leave with immediate affect & not work my notice period. Then proceeded to send me a barrage of text messages 🙃

I would look at getting employment law advice from Pregnant then Screwed - your (ex) employer cannot behave like that!
I would look at getting employment law advice from Pregnant then Screwed - your (ex) employer cannot behave like that!
Absolutely this! Sounds like they haven't followed any procedure properly. If you are sick you are sick, so how can submitting a sick note not be the right way to go about thing. Sounds like you are better off out of such a toxic environment but I'm sorry they have treated you so badly. I was fired 20+ years ago when I was pregnant and I took them to a tribunal for sex discrimination.

Ugh I hate this mean girl bullshit.
Mean girl cliques, but the boss is also in the clique!! I have a manager, the receptionist and a case worker who are awful to the other staff members the boss gives the 3 girls the special treatment because they entertain him all day they lick each others backsides something rotten, the manager always has a target it was me this week because I am newly pregnant and submitted a sick note for 2 week as I wasn’t well & up for the job at all, in the time I was off work everyone received a Christmas bonus bar me & they have made my week so awkward & the manager has not spoke to me because me submitting a sick note was not the right way to go about things if I wasn’t feeling well I could have gone to her directly & come to an arrangement. Safe to say my hormones got the better of me & I submitted my resignation to which I was told to leave with immediate affect & not work my notice period. Then proceeded to send me a barrage of text messages 🙃
A manager in a clique, bad mouthing colleagues and breaking all sorts of work laws by questioning a pregnant woman's sick notes ... This person is not mature enough to manage people. Please don't let them get away with this.
handed in my resignation and my manager can’t stop moaning about how upset she is at losing such a great employee and it’ll be impossible to replace me. where was this attitude when you harassed me for taking out my sick leave when i had pneumonia😭😭😭
My previous site leader constantly gave me crap while I was there, but when I transferred to a different location he called me "disloyal" and "ungrateful".
There seems to be an increase in people being appointed to managerial positions without the necessary experience or people skills. What's with that?
A bunch of people retiring in various industries when for years they were occupying managerial positions + people with experience and skills getting better roles I would assume
Also this whole “working overtime is showing dedication” motto 🙄 no you just have a capacity issue and don’t want to hire anyone new a previous job, people were praised in the monthly newsletter for 'working until 2am to get the deal done' and answering emails at midnight. Wtf... If I was a manager I'd be ashamed that my staff were having to do that. As it clearly shows under-resourcing and stealing people's work-life balance. No one ever wanted to move sideways to that team....when someone left they were never able to fill it internally.
Currently covering for a more experienced colleague

Some colleagues ask me questions or have a conversation then turn around and say “[colleague] is back next week!” or something of the like.

I know I may not be giving you the responses you would like to have but it’s just unnecessarily rude
In light of tough economic times I'm hearing that awful phrase 'doing more with less' again. It was a buzzword after the 2008-2011 recession period.

Makes me cringe because it's basically managers just saying you'll have to cover more than your job duties and don't expect a pay increase. Managers always want 'efficiencies' and to deliver more with fewer people...which is impossible.
In light of tough economic times I'm hearing that awful phrase 'doing more with less' again. It was a buzzword after the 2008-2011 recession period.

Makes me cringe because it's basically managers just saying you'll have to cover more than your job duties and don't expect a pay increase. Managers always want 'efficiencies' and to deliver more with fewer people...which is impossible.
I’ve noticed my work underutilises people a lot

Those in admin roles could do a lot more to “help” and it would likely have a positive impact on the other teams but for whatever reason managers are just not willing to allow it. You’d think it would be better for business to have more lower paid workers instead of having to hire higher paid workers but apparently not

That and those in admin roles often want to progress in the company but it’s increasingly difficult when they’re not allowed to be exposed to other types of work. Just means they end up considering or straight up leaving and because nothing is documented all their experience is lost
I’ve noticed my work underutilises people a lot

Those in admin roles could do a lot more to “help” and it would likely have a positive impact on the other teams but for whatever reason managers are just not willing to allow it. You’d think it would be better for business to have more lower paid workers instead of having to hire higher paid workers but apparently not

That and those in admin roles often want to progress in the company but it’s increasingly difficult when they’re not allowed to be exposed to other types of work. Just means they end up considering or straight up leaving and because nothing is documented all their experience is lost

I hate how people are siloed. The best work for problems is when you have more than one person to spot errors, ask a question or just sit back, listen and then have a really good idea. Instead of that, you get managers who are responsible/credited for tasks where somebody else had they been asked, would have known exactly how to solve the problem (and probably prevent it becoming a problem in the first place because they knew how the systems worked and that switching x would cause y, z, a, b and through to h to fail miserably and irrevocably) - but they can't possibly be included because they're not managers on shittons of dosh, so can't have any specialist knowledge or skills over and above the person paid to not bother their pretty head about anything but the headlines.
I set my Teams status to "appear offline" during my lunch break because people insist on sending me chat messages during my lunch. There is a notification that tells anyone who tries to message me that I am offline.
I can hear my laptop going off right now with one message after another.
Apparently being able to read isn't a requirement for some of the positions here 🙄
And now they're bombarding me with emails.
I work in a team of 3. One staff member left months ago and hasn’t been replaced yet. Another has just put in a sick line for a month. I’m all on my own trying to do the work of 3 people but my managers expect exactly the same speed and quality of service 🤔

This kind of thing really gets my goat...a managers job is to fill vacancies and organise workload. That means sorting cover for vacancies, sickness or holidays OR adjusting expectations of how much work will get done if there is no cover.

Too many managers these days think that management is just 'cracking the whip' to make people go faster or work harder. That is NOT a smart way to get things done.

What if you burn out/get sick/quit? Then they will have zero staff!
Does anyone have any tips / things you wish you knew about sexual harassment / gender discrimination before a grievance meeting? (Hoping to get a settlement so that it avoids tribunal.) I’m trying not to make any mistakes.

I thought it was quite a simple complaint (1st incident when I’d been there only 2 weeks, 2nd incident when I’d been there 6 weeks). Reported informally at the time, waited til probation was over then immediately formally reported. Its been slow 3 months for them to collect the relevant info…