Happy Sunday!!
Hey Ladies!
I jetted off to Asia.
Over there, I met a wealthy man who showed me how a real man looks after his lady. Financially, materially, somehow also emotionally. At the same time I was learning exactly how that worked. The art of being provided for.
I have not worked a job since — I work for myself, but that’s different.
It was only after I’d come back to London, that I understood going to Asia was — once again — attempting to escape from myself. I had been inspired to have my own “Eat, Pray, Love”, journey but that didn’t happen. Instead I found I was losing myself.
All the spiritual seeking things I was trying were great, but they really didn’t transform me. There were so many issues that were sabotaging me and the success I wanted for myself.
Yes, I was leveling up.
Yes, I was more beautiful and my lifestyle had changed.
Yes, I had access to free flowing finances, without having to work a job.
And yes I’d surrounded myself with great people… and great network... I was doing well.
Pieces were missing.
And what was missing was a huge pain point for me. The relationship I was really looking for — my happily ever after — was the only thing I’d yet to find.
The men I was dating were wealthy, generous, and kind. They wanted to provide and have relationships with me, but long term… I was the one who wanted more.
I was struggling and I needed help.
The next step in my journey was unexpected, but incredibly needed… therapy.
This decision changed everything for me.
Therapy was hard, but incredibly significant for me. It’s still one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. There are an infinite amount of layers you get to work through. Each one revealing new levels of peace and harmony for you, which is why, my therapy continues to this day.
It may be difficult for you to imagine, but the first 10 months of therapy, I felt like nothing was happening. It was brutal. Things weren’t getting better… as a matter of fact, it often felt like they were getting worse. Chaos ruled… my life, and my emotions.
Breaking down the defense mechanisms I’d built up over a lifetime — and reconnecting all the bits and pieces from my childhood — was almost too much to take.
But I did it. 10 months of torture and then? I received my first breakthrough. Finally, I was able to see the progress I was making (and had made). Hope filled me and I knew I could move forward.
I was becoming emotionally healthier, no longer feeling like I needed to run away, and within a few months of this breakthrough, I met my current partner.
The work I’d done had opened me up to myself and from that place I was able to open up to someone who’s become incredibly special to me.
I know for a fact, that if I’d met him before therapy… or before my breakthrough… it never would have worked out.
Here’s the biggest lesson I learned though—Yes, I was more beautiful physically, and more gracious and kind— but up until then, I hadn’t learned how to be beautiful, gracious, or kind to myself.
I was the last lesson. Reconnecting the missing bits and pieces of me had made all the difference in the world.
Therapy is both hard and wonderful, but something no Jetset Babe can go without.
Have you seen a therapist?