Allana Davison

I mean, if it's a cut, it all makes sense. I don't know if she's really short for the calories but the macros make sense.
I would be more worried if she started "biohacking" and tracking her blood sugar 24/7.
Not sure why she wants to be ripped at her wedding, but more power to her if she knows that's she'll gain weight to maintenance and only keep the muscles and not the definition.

I hate Abbey, she's so sanctimonious and annoying
Yeah tbh I think she's a bit unpleasant. lol. But Its exactly the sort of video she enjoys criticising.
Yeah, wtf eating this way for 2 months is horrendous. Enjoy the damn summer and eat some fun, varied food! I have a feeling Dejan is behind her obsession with working out/weight.

I also don’t think their marriage will last long - hope she has a prenup!

If i rmbr correctly the both of them are on the same programme.

i think she went on this because she was already working out & eating “properly” but not seeing results in terms of muscle tone.
I dun think she is that skinny or unhealthy looking (yet) she just seems more toned these days as a result of the strict diet.
I don’t know how she’s functioning. I went on a 1500 calorie diet too. I weighed more than Allana to start though. I lasted almost a year on it. I was super strict about it and exercised a ton just like Allana. The first few months I was ok, I guess because my body was using up all the excess fat I had lol.

But once I got down to a low weight my period stopped, I felt sick and fatigued constantly, having to eat made me anxious, and I was super emotional all the time. And it was like my brain was in slow motion. When I finally realized why, I just stopped because I was miserable. I started eating normally again and the weight came right back and fast!! It took a long time to get back to a healthy weight and have it stay stable.

She just does not realize the damage she may be doing. She may be fine after, a lot of people bounce back fine. But a lot don’t.
She's on a cut, two months prior to her wedding, because she ate the way she wanted during her travels.. I'm sure she'll be fine. She's not underweight, she's not losing sleep or hair. Her skin actually looks better than what it used to look like. It's just us projecting our own feelings onto her, and I'm not sure that's fair.
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She's on cut, two months prior to her wedding, because she ate the way she wanted during her travels.. I'm sure she'll be fine. She's no underweight, she's no losing sleep or hair. Her skin actually looks better than what it used to look like. It's just us projecting our own feelings onto her, and I'm not sure that's fair.

she doesn’t look underweight, she isn’t encouraging people to pursue this eating. She has explained its for cutting purposes and you have to be strict and count everything. Some might see that as unhealthy but its meh to me.
she doesn’t look underweight, she isn’t encouraging people to pursue this eating. She has explained its for cutting purposes and you have to be strict and count everything. Some might see that as unhealthy but its meh to me.

She doesn't have to come out and say "I encourage you to follow my routine" because as an online personality and influencer she already does that anyways on subliminal levels. She's doing something drastic very publicly and I bet there will be people out there who follow her, people who will watch her content then go look in the mirror and think they need it too and will copy some of it. She can cut her food down to an almond and a raisin a day if she wants but perhaps if it was private it would rub less people the wrong way. She's acting as if she's been training to do a new Terminator movie for the past 3 years, it's kinda old by now and who knows how healthy it actually is for her.
Lol, while you're protecting her from having any responsibility for what she publicly shares online. Believe it or not some people out there look up to her and want to emulate her lifestyle as bonkers as that sounds.

im not protecting her at all, while some people think she is going overboard, i don’t see it like that all. I have a lot of friends who are into fitness and do this whole cutting thing and its very disciplined and that is what she is doing.

it seems peoole are projecting their feelings of eating/diet onto Allana here.

again if someone is looking up to these kind of people that’s on them.

i dont look at influencers who wear designer gear and think i need all that just because they have that and flaunt that

i get it diet/ exercise is hard for some people to handle but its their responsibility as to what they consume, if it’s tough/ they dont like it then don’t view it.

Like i said i dont like this whole thing of blaming others for everything that happens to us when at some point we have to take responsibility for our feelings.
She forces herself to do thse exercises that she does not like all for the only achieving the steps in her distorted view of working out/eating.


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She forces herself to do thse exercises that she does not like all for the only achieving the steps in her distorted view of working out/eating.
Why not pick workout she likes ? She is rich enough to try pretty much any kind of exercises she wants, she could find at least a couple she likes. Maybe it won't make her look as 'ripe' as her current one but at least she will enjoy her workout. I love working out because I do stuff that are fun (for me), working out is not supposed to be some sort of punishment 🤷‍♀️

That mentality is why so many people are discouraged from exercising and think it's not for them. They think they have to run or HIIT or do whatever trendy workout but, as they don't like it, they end up giving up on it once their 'motivation' dries up.
She bought a wedding dress 10 or so months ago and now with 7 weeks until her wedding she is trying on samples to buy a new dress since she got all distracted by other peoples weddings on tiktok....... she is so image focused and doesn't even know who she is or what she likes fashion wise!! DOES SHE EVEN LIKE DAN??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ comparison is the thief of joy just focus on yourself and what you like who cares what other peoples weddings look like


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Calling starving yourself “discipline” is super ick

Excuse you, if you call your disordered eating a “cut” it makes it fine.
She bought a wedding dress 10 or so months ago and now with 7 weeks until her wedding she is trying on samples to buy a new dress since she got all distracted by other peoples weddings on tiktok....... she is so image focused and doesn't even know who she is or what she likes fashion wise!! DOES SHE EVEN LIKE DAN??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ comparison is the thief of joy just focus on yourself and what you like who cares what other peoples weddings look like

This girl needs to get off TT.

Anyways who cares if she doesn’t like Dan, he doesn’t like her.