I don't feed my pets raw actually. Cats are carnivores and are not meant to have high carb diets, and fruits and veggies are fillers that are added in commercial kibble more so then for nutritional value. It's fine given as treats (as long as they are not toxic to said animal) but it shouldn't make up for a large part of their diet. And yes, commercial dog kibble has gotten better in quality over the years but one of the largest push for kibbles for domesticated cats and dogs was for convenience (in terms of cost and storage as dry kibble is easier to store then raw/homemade varieties) and for the claim it's better for their teeth. That somehow kibble breaks up harden plaque on teeth, which is not true. Again, I'm not a veterinarian or a nutritionist. I have no qualms if people feed their pets kibble-- as raw or homemade can be quite costly. I'm just saying with the case of Zoe's dog who has a lot of health issues as seen in her vlogs, she can certainly afford to feed her dog something better than kibble, of course unless it is a prescription brand specified for targeting Nala's ailments. But honestly, I think it's down to convenience for Zoe as she's quite lazy. We know that what we eat affects our body so if you're constantly feeding yourself garbage it will have long term consequences that show up later in life. Again not trying to detract from Zoe. I just think it goes hand in hand what Nala is eating, her lack of exercise/walks, and considering her breed, it's not surprising the dog has been doing so poorly considering she's still young by dog age standards.