Gucci and Elon musk are trash thought. Zoella and Tanya burr no doubt are given those bleeping ugly £325 Gucci tops for free and paid by Gucci to wear them.Even designers like Gucci are giving free clothes to people like jake paul, and that rediculous human being elon musk gave him that car.
to have that many people see your products, you wanna bet they get it all free!
Oh my gosh that couples Q&A on Alfie's channel was just tragic. Do they honestly think they are in a healthy, deep, committed relationship? Conversely, do they honestly think they have fooled anyone over the age of 13 into thinking that they are in a healthy, deep, committed relationship? Yikes!!
hello! Thanks for the invite! Do you know how can i attach a screenshot that I've taken to the posts here? It seems that it only accepts pictures from other websites!
Girl, so you're just admitting your normal bra is quadruple padded then?F off Zoe..... forever lying
Sorry to bring the talk here, however this 3 months difference and she tries to convince her fans that iT's nOT tHe bRa iT's tHe piLL
As someone stated on gg probably minions blinded by her will go trying to get a prescription ignoring possible dangerous side effects because we're all different.
(Being myself a padded bra lover, I know the effect, and she totally relies on those. However I have no idea where she manages to get so much padding, in my country the max padding you can get on a bra is half the size of that)
hello! Thanks for the invite! Do you know how can i attach a screenshot that I've taken to the posts here? It seems that it only accepts pictures from other websites!
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You should be able to upload attachments now directly on the site.
Hello. I’m new to this thread from GG (thanks bambieyes) but whoever made the thread name...I love you!!! It was ripped apart on GG but I’m glad it got a new home. No idea what I’m doing but I’m trying to catch up on threads here that I follow on GG. And help would be appreciated! Excuse how annoying that is.