I’d just love to see Zoe split up with Alfie and find a new version of herself (as cringey as that sounds). She’s going nowhere with him and her life which is intrinsically linked to his is so stagnant and going round in circles. She’s in such a fortunate position, young, reasonably healthy and frankly rich. She could do so much with her life.
She’s not growing with Alfie at all. She should go it alone as single woman and develop herself as a person. Or else she could wait to meet someone more suited to her that will encourage her to challenge herself and live an all round better lifestyle. Alfie isn’t doing that.
She could do some travelling, see new places and experience new things. I don’t mean a short trip to a popular European city for a few insta pics and then pizza for dinner each night. I mean properly travel, explore far away countries. Immerse herself in new cultures, try new foods and meet different people from other backgrounds.
She could go away and get herself a university degree or any degree. Educate herself more and gain some qualifications. Challenge herself and then achieve something worthwhile at the end that she can fall back on if the AD nonsense dosent work out for her. She could volunteer somewhere or help out worthwhile causes and people that are less fortunate.
She could take up a new sport and physically challenge herself in a new way. Exercise more and become physically fit and strong. Learn to cook better and healthier and eat healthier. No more ready made meals or maybe just for the weekend. Limit takeaways to once a fortnight. She should try new foods and cuisines instead of sticking with pie and mash.
She should make a conscious effort to rebuild bridges with her family and see them more often. It’s nice to have good relations with your in laws but they’re not your biological family and one day her grandparents will no longer be around. Same goes with friends, she needs to stop the petty feuds and grudges. Make new friends and keep them, treat them properly with love and respect or else she’ll lose them again.
She dosent have to give up all her home comforts. She could still have her nights in with a takeaway and Harry Potter or Gavin & Stacey on tv. Or her board games. She can still have all that but within reason, it shouldn’t be her whole life.
I just can’t see any of this ever happening while she remain with Alfred. He’s not pushing her to be the best version of herself at all and she is literally wasting her best years away. Leaving him (imo of course) would be so good for her personally as she’d be forced to develop as a person and professionally because she’d be able to make even better content. At the moment her life is incredibly dull and uninteresting, surely she must feel similar.