Chatty Member
Exactly, thank you, that what I’ve been saying but have been shouted down for lol. I love a debate so all good.I think this hits the nail on the head there. Creating and distributing a sexual image of a child is illegal (as it was in the 70s) but the problem here is Zara created the image herself and distributed it. So technically she broke the law relating to the creation and distrubtion of child pornography. The boy received the image with Zara's consent. Not saying it was right of him to distribute it further and it is a shame he got away with it. I think @santas_little_helper was just explaining why he got away scott free.
Certain areas of law are a very grey area hence the new 2015 Act being brought into force to legislate revenge porn.
The irony is that revenge porn was NOT a statutory offence at the time this happened to Zara, but a minor producing and sharing naked images of themselves constituted child pornography. Which is why Zara was visited by the police.
Do I agree with that, no, she was a child who needed support.
The revenge porn law came into effect in 2015 so there would be a different outcome if it happened today.
Zara said herself that she suddenly realised she was the victim in 2015 when the law came into effect. Until 2015 she felt guilty and that she had done wrong.
I wonder why she didn’t prosecute the 2018 guy? Anyway, what a minefield