From Creditfix, one of the larger IVA companies in the UK. Source:
Thanks FlashingForHamsters, I knew I could rely on you. It's strange to be in a couples IVA when you are not, in fact, a couple though, is it not? This is a rhetorical question, no need to answer. Have a lovely evening.
Having watched Rebecca’s desperate attempts to cling onto Lewis for as long as possible, including dropping her drawers whenever he rolled up, an unsurprising number of pregnancy ‘scares’, using her son’s ‘distress’ to emotionally blackmail him into visiting the house for months and getting “matching friendship tattooes” I’m absolutely convinced that this was another way to try and remain in his life.
It would be pitiful if it wasn’t so manipulative Rebecca. Unsurprisingly HIS next relationship was affected by her lunacy as well.
It’s another good reason to keep reminding ourselves her name Is Rebecca Kitchen or Becky Kitchen or Bex Kitchen in the hope that future potential victims have the sense to give her a wee Google at the first sign of her Bexing it up.
Are you connected to this Lewis person? Otherwise, despite how much of a grifter she is, it seems a bit off to bring other RL folks' names into the arena. I've not seen the name mentioned before, so might be speaking out of turn and has been mentioned previously, but it seems a bit off to me.
ETA if they have joint debt and he's taken joint responsibility, then am not sure what the issue is? See also 'dropping drawers' (last I checked it took two to do that one).
Or a certain scrambled egg pamphlet?@fishingforanswers Can you ask Bex if she needs a new cane? I won £40 on a scratchie about an hour ago xox
Like a gender questioning 7 year old boy who has now had an earnest adult conversation with his mother (Mother, Mater, Mama, My Best Mummy) confirming his boy-like identity, and like an ex-fiance who refused to see kiddo after they split up, so that it would not confuse kiddo, I am confused, but not intellectually as I know how to navigate a long term grift.Is the ex-fiance the same one that's scunnered the IVA? I'd probs say that doesn't come under the category of 'cares very deeply.'
I See You Baby, you don't know the ex fiancé. Don't kid yourself. You've made up a fantasy here and if you DID know him, you'd know he absolutely hates being talked about on social media in any way, shape or form.
Bex can't have used her kid's distress to manipulate him into coming round because he refused to see kiddo after they split up, so that it would not confuse him. They saw each other only when kiddo was either asleep or at his dad's house.
As usual, your posts are a fantasy fueled by the simple fact that you don't like Bex. There is no truth to anything you've said. The only part you almost got right was him reading this thread. His other half reads it, he does not.
I actually do know these people, and while the ex fiancé and Bex will never get back together, he wouldn't see any harm come to her. He doesn't dislike her, doesn't think she's a manipulative witch, and still cares very deeply about both her and her son. Try not to speak on things you don't have any evidence for.