Who wants to go to the office? #2 No-one

It does seem like an old fashioned concept now, all working under the same roof. I was in the office on Tuesday and it was over heated, noisy and uncomfortable. Our manager hates WFH. She is happy for us to work hybrid as she can see how much happier we are but she has to convince head office. I have to take my laptop into work and bring it home, its a pain tbh.
I spent some time working in the office yesterday for the first time, apart from one training day last May.

It just seemed completely pointless. I showed willing by going in after a meeting we had. The meeting WAS productive and face to face would be the preferred option for me too.

I’ve changed my hours since WFH, to fit round school runs. These new hours don’t suit office working when I would be making a 40 mile round trip/travelling 1h30 each day for the sake of working about 4 hours in the office so I can get back for the school run.

On top of that, the desk set up isn’t great. We still have to lug our laptops in and remember everything and we’re also hot desking.

I think I’ll continue to show willing by working in the office after our monthly meetings but if I’m asked to do more than that I’ll have a strong argument as to why it doesn’t make sense.

This I so understand. We have hot desking too. Have to remember to book a desk. I tend to go in 1-2 days a week. But it is such a faff having to lug a keyboard and mouse in, and I usually forget something to bring in with me. Found a cupboard yesterday that I can leave stuff in, so that's good. & no trouble getting a car park space these days!!

This and especially the comments were an interesting read.

It made me think that we'll not see the like of my early office career again (reflected a bit in The Office), with a very relaxed office atmosphere with lots of chatting and pissing about in between bouts of working every day. Not sure if I've become very conscientious as I've grown up or it's somewhat a product of constant potential surveillance and past experience of crappy micromanagement. I suppose offices generally have become less relaxed, fun and chatty and more wary as alluded to in the article.
I feel nervous too. Everyone needs to go in tomorrow and I’m worried that I’ll sit at someone’s “usual” desk, even though there are no set desks anymore.
This is similar to my fear I moved role so when I go in I'm on a different floor and I've just found a random desk noone seems to be using. Worried when it starts getting busier it'll come out I've pinched someone's desk.

Our place is still in limbo but my new manager lives a 2 hour drive away and has from before covid. So imagine I won't be in much.


Massive travel increases during a cost of living crisis is going to make it even harder for companies to justify making their staff stop working from home. Every week more and more reasons to WFH show up which means stopping it and businesses risk losing staff to businesses that allow it.
I spent 6 months working from home in the first lockdown it was the most depressing, lonely, stressful period in my working life. I hated every minute of it. I love my job, I love my office and I love the people I work with. If I was ever to be on the hunt for a new job then I would immediately rule out working from home. I can see the attraction for others but for me and my mental health it was disastrous.
People have already started showing up with bad bugs. They’ve coped from home, they’ll be paid to work from home but no, let’s go in to the office with a nose like Rudolph and cough everywhere. I despair. So many people have snapped back to the “well that’s what we’ve always done” mentality and it’s disappointing. I also find the office politics have gotten worse re people watching others’ when they’re on site.
People have already started showing up with bad bugs. They’ve coped from home, they’ll be paid to work from home but no, let’s go in to the office with a nose like Rudolph and cough everywhere. I despair. So many people have snapped back to the “well that’s what we’ve always done” mentality and it’s disappointing. I also find the office politics have gotten worse re people watching others’ when they’re on site.

Same in my place but its because there is no flexibility on your hybrid days, you must do them so if youre a bit under the weather on an office day, you can stay home but need to make up the office time 🙄 the majority of people have routines so cant just come in to the office another day so come in even though they shouldnt.
I have been offered a "hybrid" job and maybe it's just the company but I feel it's performative - like they feel obliged to have people in the office for the sake of it. I can honestly say I couldn't care less if I have to phone/email someone to speak to them rather than just go to their desk or if I don't recognise people I work with on sight

What a bunch of garbage. Who is he to say being in the office is better for the morale of his staff? I bet he hasn't asked them....He brings up businesses relying on people multi tasking which can't be done WFH. Well if everyone did the job they are paid to do they wouldn't have to multi task by helping someone else with what they are doing. Sandwich shops, cafes and taxis I don't care about. I don't use them anyway and only care about the cash WFH saves being available to fight the cost of living crisis.
People have already started showing up with bad bugs. They’ve coped from home, they’ll be paid to work from home but no, let’s go in to the office with a nose like Rudolph and cough everywhere. I despair. So many people have snapped back to the “well that’s what we’ve always done” mentality and it’s disappointing. I also find the office politics have gotten worse re people watching others’ when they’re on site.

People will go into work with a cold. They won't want back sickness absences on their file. If I took a day off everytime I had a cough or cold, I'd never be in. We have a hybrid system now. The whole office, minus a few team leaders work the same week at home, then the next week we're all in the office. It makes zero sense but they refuse tk budge.
People will go into work with a cold. They won't want back sickness absences on their file. If I took a day off everytime I had a cough or cold, I'd never be in. We have a hybrid system now. The whole office, minus a few team leaders work the same week at home, then the next week we're all in the office. It makes zero sense but they refuse tk budge.

In this situation they wouldn’t get bad sickness absences on their file, hence why I can’t understand why they’re going in to the office when there’s absolutely no need to. I’m not talking about a sniffle, but those looking like death warmed up. I’ve worked in places where you didn’t get paid no matter what and hated waiting to catch the horrible cold someone had but we had no choice, now if you do people should use their common sense.
In this situation they wouldn’t get bad sickness absences on their file, hence why I can’t understand why they’re going in to the office when there’s absolutely no need to. I’m not talking about a sniffle, but those looking like death warmed up. I’ve worked in places where you didn’t get paid no matter what and hated waiting to catch the horrible cold someone had but we had no choice, now if you do people should use their common sense.

It will depend on the employer. The only sickness absence that isn't on mine is covid. HR still wanted my test results emailed over. Any other absence is recorded. I work for a union and I speak to a lot of people who are attending sickness meetings.

What a bunch of garbage. Who is he to say being in the office is better for the morale of his staff? I bet he hasn't asked them....He brings up businesses relying on people multi tasking which can't be done WFH. Well if everyone did the job they are paid to do they wouldn't have to multi task by helping someone else with what they are doing. Sandwich shops, cafes and taxis I don't care about. I don't use them anyway and only care about the cash WFH saves being available to fight the cost of living crisis.

He, as an employer, is absolutely the one to define and set by example what is better for his staff. That's his role as a leader.

I can see the breakdown in communication as soon as people start WFH at work. I want hybrid working as much as my colleagues do, but I also see how poorly our results are as soon as one poor team player person starts WFH, resentment sets in from all angles. In order for WFH to work effectively either the role needs to be 100% sole working (which I don't see at all in my industry) or, they have to be proactive team players, keen communicators and self motivated. Which unfortunately, seem to be in the minority at my place of work :censored: 🙈