She’s sending people late Xmas cards with printed photos taken straight from the gram. duck offffffff. No one, and I mean no one, wants that. Bore off.
I wonder who she sends Christmas cards to? Does she expect the photos to be displayed in their house? Such an odd thing to do, sending unsolicited photos of your child to people
Why has she put Nina in a dress and then waterproof trousers over the top? Surely that’s uncomfortable. Wtf is wrong with her
At least she has bought her some waterproofs! Someone has been reading here Rebecca!Why has she put Nina in a dress and then waterproof trousers over the top? Surely that’s uncomfortable. Wtf is wrong with her
National Trust place visited today - tick on the bex bingo. If she doesn’t read here she sure as hell is utterly predictable.
The cards are weird - just as people are taking them down she sends these with unwanted pics of them. Is the husband written out of these too do we think??
Doubt it. She’s gonna act like Nina was born via immaculate conceptionSo strange! I just don’t get how you can not mention your significant other / child’s other parent if you’re with them she posted a few months back about not having another child due to personal reasons didn’t she… I assumed fertility / health but could it be a split? Totally her own business but the whole set up is odd. Be interesting if she addresses it when the inevitable house move happens.