Fellow tattlers/mothers- it’s ppl like you who make me so glad that I found this thread on tattle. I started following WMM when I started weaning my child, my little one is a couple months younger than Nina, probably 1/5th of her size and eats about 1/8 of what Nina eats. At first I thought there was something fundamentally wrong with my parenting and my child, why wasn’t she shovelling food in her mouth? Why would she cry and scream in anything more than a 10 min car journey? Why is my child not fitting into bigger clothes? Why does my child not enjoy my company when out?
this caused me a lot of mental anxiety. It wasn’t good for me or my child. I began to obsess. Over every single little thing she ate or didn’t eat or how erratic her behaviour was whenever I took her out. I felt like my life was wrong, it doesn’t look like Rebecca’s, the girls r the same age, it’s not Instagram perfect?
It’s only until I found fellow mothers like you on here, that I realised, the only thing that’s not normal around here is Rebecca. It’s a dangerously toxic page, not only portraying unhealthy foods but promoting an unhealthy obsession with food and a creepy and smothering relationship with her daughter.
I realised that’s not the mother I ever want to be, nor should any mother. And since then I’ve started following my own intuition and my own child’s cues, and she’s eating better (albeit not like Nina or as big as her but we all know Rebecca sees her as a foie gras) and my child is behaving like a child and I want to encourage this innocence as it’s only for a short time. I do not wish to mould my child into a mini grandmother who enjoys afternoon teas with me.
rebecca needs to put a disclaimer on her page that her style of living is not the norm and she should stop acting like it is. Parenting pages need to approach their topics with caution. I’m glad I was able to snap out of my misery caused by Rebecca’s page, but others might not be so lucky. Parenting/weaning pages should be promoted by professionals only and should be heavily regulated. Not by any tom dick and hagrid.