She comes across mentally unstable, which I do get everything she’s been through! But she needs to work on what they tell her to do, I’m guessing that’s why it’s been stopped from going to court anymore as she’s not doing what’s asked of her?wow that was crazy.. there is defo more to this story.
She’s got a barring order which means she’s not allowed to make any further applications to the family courts, usually these are applied to abusers to stop dragging their victims back to court unnecessarily (as it puts more stress on the children)She comes across mentally unstable, which I do get everything she’s been through! But she needs to work on what they tell her to do, I’m guessing that’s why it’s been stopped from going to court anymore as she’s not doing what’s asked of her?
All she’s doing is making more of a case for P to say look, the boys won’t be safe with her
She’s got a barring order which means she’s not allowed to make any further applications to the family courts, usually these are applied to abusers to stop dragging their victims back to court unnecessarily (as it puts more stress on the children)
She said 2 years I’m suredid not know this! Wow! So do they have a time limit? Or is this forever ?
She seems to do herself no favours at all. I understand she has been to hell and back, but theres a time and place and she should be jumping through every hoop she can now its went on that long. With that kind of order theres no getting away from it so she shouldnt be attacking SS or individual SW its making things worse for her.
In her lives she comes across like a child herself and sadly i find her selfish to keep dragging these kids publically on tt. Iv no idea if the Dad is good and decent, we can only pray social services have done the right thing but there is so much to this story she will not say. I wouldnt be surprised if the children have seen or received threats of suicide by there mum she is very unstable.
I’ve seen some of the messages from her ex and they are a bit toxic but she does conveniently always hide her side of it. We are seeing a fraction of how mentally unstable she is and how hard she goes to try and provoke people. I don’t know if my responses and actions would always be the correct ones if I had to deal with her constantly.I wonder if being in a toxic relationship so young plays a part in that. I can’t believe he seemingly got away with having a relationship with a teenager at his age, he should be on a register imo.
Regardless there is 100% more to the story, sounds like COVID got in the way of legal proceedings at the start and it’s spiralled from there. I wish she would get the help she needs so she can work towards getting contact. She’s erroneously letting the kid‘s dad ‘win’ at the moment with how she’s being. I would go totally grey rock with everyone and just do as I was told - no matter how insulting it feels, it’s still better than letting him have the satisfaction of getting a rise out of her.
I’ve seen some of the messages from her ex and they are a bit toxic but she does conveniently always hide her side of it. We are seeing a fraction of how mentally unstable she is and how hard she goes to try and provoke people. I don’t know if my responses and actions would always be the correct ones if I had to deal with her constantly.
There is still the chance he might be an absolute prick. I don’t think the police, social work, local council, judges etc have it all wrong about her. They are fact finders and yea they do make mistakes but what’s the chances of them all making the same mistake.
True but at the end of the day it’s what in the children’s best interests, clearly lengthy court processes have shown that it’s in the boys best interests to be with their dad as opposed to in the social care systemThe fact he’s a predator groomer overrides anything he does now! I’m sure it was equally toxic on both sides for many years, but ultimately he was a 40 year old getting a teenager pregnant and that is unforgivable no matter what she’s doing now. I have no doubt at all what he did to her is at least partly why she is acting the way she is now, she was only 15 when they met. He should be in prison!
I agree with this. Sadly their relationship happened when she was at her most impressionable and now this has shaped her entire life. As somebody who's survived an emotionally abusive relationship and has to coparent, I have suffered so badly mentally. I cannot even begin to imagine how much I'd suffer if the son we share was taken off me. I'm not condoning her actions and I agree it probably is in the best interest in terms of the boys, just saying that he is by no means innocent.The fact he’s a predator groomer overrides anything he does now! I’m sure it was equally toxic on both sides for many years, but ultimately he was a 40 year old getting a teenager pregnant and that is unforgivable no matter what she’s doing now. I have no doubt at all what he did to her is at least partly why she is acting the way she is now, she was only 15 when they met. He should be in prison!
I agree with this. Sadly their relationship happened when she was at her most impressionable and now this has shaped her entire life. As somebody who's survived an emotionally abusive relationship and has to coparent, I have suffered so badly mentally. I cannot even begin to imagine how much I'd suffer if the son we share was taken off me. I'm not condoning her actions and I agree it probably is in the best interest in terms of the boys, just saying that he is by no means innocent.
I think she was allowed that but as she’s posted social work have said the boys are too scared to see her alone without the dad there and I’m sure they’re not allowed to contact each othershe comes across very mentally unstable and I can honestly see why she hasn’t been very successful in the case.. wrongly or rightly.. still odd how she hasn’t even been granted supervised contact..or she has but under certain conditions which she isn’t following?
The injunction completely makes sense from her content regarding that SW - on the phone calls with her she seems calm and reasonable but Charlotte is looking for a fight. One of her pinned videos is her circling what I assume is the contact centre/where her SW is based. You can tell from those videos alone she is causing fear, harassment and alarm.I do not know Charlotte personally, but I have been following her a very long time and also follow her private instagram where she would sometimes uplaod more pictures of documentation that did not get onto tiktok.
I do have the screenshots for all of this information somewhere on my old phone if anyone really wants to see it I can try and retrieve it from my icloud drive.
The reason that she is not allowed visitation with her children is because the last time she was granted visitation, she took the children unauthorised off of the visitation premises without permission. She took them out of the centre, disappeared and went bowling or something. I don't think she realised she uploaded this part of documentationin a post but she did and I did screenshot it.
She is being done for harassment with the main social worker she always bangs on about, Paula. Charlotte had her car windows smashed in by police a month ago, because she decided to park herself in her car outside the social centre and refused to leave. In the half hour prior to this, she went around banging on all of the buildings windows whilst there were other contact sessions with families being facilitated. Someone came out and said it was scaring the children inside of the building, whilst Charlotte was shouting profanities about how the social workers have been abusing her.
She would often turn up at the ex's house for no reason, when shes been explicitly told she is to go nowhere near the children and thats why the harassment charges were filed by her ex.
She spent her gofund me money on her puppy and not a laywer. There is screenshots on Titkok of her direct conversation with an individual, stating "no point in me using that money to get a lawyer, I won't win. Im going to get a puppy instead and heal."
She didn't even sit through the last day of her final court hearing because she wasn't happy with what the judge said, she walked out. She represented herself in her court hearings despite having thousands of pounds worth of donations, designated to be spent on her legal representation. The reason she represented herself is because she didn't stand a damn chance getting those kids back, due to her own self--destructive and narcisstic behaviour.
There is also a screenshot I have of an individual who I will not name, where Charlotte messaged the person being nasty and extremely bitter, because this person going through similar stuff actually had visitation with her children. Charlotte called her a "nasty witch" when all this person was trying to do was check if she was okay after one of her usual lives.
Charlotte was arrested a couple of years back for something to do with drugs, whether she still uses is something I have no idea. But she drinks heavily and did so before this fiasco came about. Most of her lives shes off of her face, drunk or on something, its obvious. I'm also pretty sure one of the many individuals who sadly fell for it all had offered to help her. This individual either was asked to or did, drop up some Baileys alcohol to her house, whilst she already clearly very intoxicated.Sorry for the extensive post but everything I've said I have been able to validate 100% either from her own posts(which were swiftly deleted on Instagram) or from sources close to her. If anyone has any questions, I can try and answer with what I know because after being duped by her for such a long time, since July I have been extensively collecting anything from her that seems amiss and its a lot.
edit: I did see also today, she uploaded a video of her shredded papers for what I believe is part of her injunction. If you zoom in, you can make out some of what was shredded. I saw two small paragraphs about her turning up to the social office and swearing and being abusive towards Paula. No doubt this is probably a completely separate occasion, on top the car smashing incident.
how long were they together? Surely her parents must have questioned the age gap.. especially for her to have two children with him?
I agree what happened with P is wrong, but like I’ve said numerous times, she needs to think of the boys first. And she isn’t doing that. She needs to do what social, court etc say, this is where she has a choice, but is choosing to do what she thinks. That isn’t going to ever help. Agajn, makes you wonder where her support system is as they should be telling her all this.
she comes across very mentally unstable and I can honestly see why she hasn’t been very successful in the case.. wrongly or rightly.. still odd how she hasn’t even been granted supervised contact..or she has but under certain conditions which she isn’t following?
Hard to tell when you are only given things she wants you to know
I'm all for mental health and she definitely does need help. I think personally the reason shes on live mosts nights now threatening to unalive herself is because the council injunction and harassment charge, are going to end up publically describing what she actually gets up to outside of the narrative she pushes out on her tiktok.I think what she’s going through/been through explains her behaviour but doesn’t excuse it. I don’t watch her videos anymore as she’s lost the plot and essentially Paul is winning. I can’t imagine how hard it is being in her shoes but I know she’s doing herself 0 favours.