
Maybe it’s because she grew up with SS involvement that she thinks she knows the system and isn’t scared of them. I know I would be petrified from the off if it was me and I’d do literally everything by the book and more hell I’d be Bloody Mary poppins Incarnate. It’s obviously different to deal with them on a personal level than when it’s child related and she was too cocky in knowing it all and refusing to stay off TikTok and be more present with the kids 🤷‍♀️ anyways it’s backfired big time.
I personally don’t like satire when it comes to kids especially when they’re around because they don’t have the cognitive intelligence to know what’s satire and what’s real imho.
ETA my parents were foster carers for years and it’s true SS have a full plate and in most cases removal is the last resort.
Some random bird was on live lastnight about Vic Rose saying she was so happy for her getting kids back and I commented saying maybe she should close the GoFundMe and refund everyone and the girl said oh but I think she used the money to pay for her court case. I can’t believe people actually think that she’s been through a court process in a week and spent 5k on it 😑😑😑
That money will be in her bank and she will spend it on herself. Vile
I don’t get It at all 🤷‍♂️ as we’ve all said it’s hard to get a removal and they’d have had to do an investigation and surely that must take more than a week ?? SS would leave themselves open to litigation if they took kids with zero proof.
The only possible thing I can think of if she’s being honest is if they took them because of multiple complaints and video evidence pending investigation and then she raised the GFM money and SS realised that their evidence was flimsy and hearsay and they knew she had money so sue because she made it plain it was for legal expenses and they thought our evidence won’t hold up so they gave them back.