VIP Member
Sure it is very easy to get mortgage living at home saving money for deposit.He got affordable housing of council so much easier to get approved and house is much cheaper than buying it privately
I'd say she hates that there is a new COMMON AS MUCK single mum with twins on the gram......cut from the same cloth those two, easy knowing they're "friends".Was just looking at a video of her interview with her friend that had the twins. Julie is no more interested in what's she's saying. Like she asks her questions that she has just answered and she's messing with the props on the desk. I'd say she hates that there is a new single mum with twins on the gram
She makes out they never ask about him I find that very hard to believe of course kids are gonna be curious especially when she said the friends in the car where talking about their dads. My friend and her partner split up a few years ago the dad was present for the 1st year or so until he got his leg over someone else and moved away. little by little the contact with her little boy stopped he would have been the twins age. My friend answered the kids questions he knows who his dad is and where he lives he has a photograph in his living room of him and his dad that wasn’t removed because at the end of the day it’s his dad.Poor Julie is the ONLY single Mother in Ireland! does she not realise that probably every 3rd child
now don’t have 2 parents living at home? it wasn’t a thing years & years ago but its normal now, kid’s don’t bat an eyelid anymore if there is no Daddy on the scene, she really believes in order to be happy you have to have Mammy & Daddy, jaysus she’s living in the 1970’s.