VIP Member
My sister in law is a total tosser anyway but that’s a whole other story.. she has four kids and she’s the exact same age as me, mid 20s. Doesn’t look after them, doesn’t enjoy them, always whinges, says she hates having kids and they ruined her life (she’s never worked her whole life and yet a new one mysteriously appears every time universal credit start telling her to go back to work). Gets pregnant at the drop of a hat. The kids have three different dads (two she has banned from seeing their child(ren)) and the newest baby born in august this year she had to someone she was seeing for a month.. all she does each day is post long whinging rants and complaints on Facebook (check in at the doctors on Facebook for a cold kind of gal) and I’ve had to mute her. She didn’t interact with me anyway but I found the posts appearing on my feed really triggering
Are we related? She sounds like a family member I know except my family member wants a fourth and knowing my luck it will happen for her first.
I can’t believe how many of us are in the same boat - I always just assumed it was my partner who struggled around ovulation. With life etc I really don’t feel like I’m doing it enough when I should. I can’t understand when I ovulated this month - I didn’t really catch a peak as I was working and then my temp peaked, dropped a day then peaked again - I only use the Apple Watch so it could just be weird data. I’m between 5-9 DPO and think I only got one or maybe two attempts in the window. I’ve had sore boobs for the last couple of days which is super early and the only other time I had that was when I had my chemical - really not holding much hope this month though.
How are people finding work etc whilst TTC? I’m fed up of my current role but can’t really move as don’t want to miss out on mat pay. I think knowing I should have been breaking up for maternity in the next month makes it worse.
Sorry for the long post, wishing everyone luck!
I hate the pressure around ovulation and having to go on command To speak. I have considered ditching temping and testing for a month to give my head a break and see what happens naturally. Because when I did get pregnant the first time it was like that. But I also find the ovulation tests helpful.
This month I’ve written off because we only got 1 or two attempts in. like you I have sore boobs and a sore head and I’m 4/5 days DPO.