Hi everyone,
So I had the vaccine last week and now I am 6 days late. Last time it made my period come early.
No symptoms, but my partner kept on at me to test. I have a night out saturday so I reluctantly did(I hate testing as the negatives make me feel so bad)
And I got my first ever BFP.
I am honestly in total shock. We are at the fertility clinic. My partner has low sperm mobility and I found out a week ago today that I have endometriosis and was devestated.
Its early days and I know anything could happen. I also know this may make some of you feel bad. But I also hope it gives some of you some hope. It's taken 20 cycles and no hint of anything in all that time.
I found out today my SIL is also pregnant. Straight away. It still made me annoyed. Its really unfair. The heartache of TTC had made me decide I didn't want to try next month. But it had already happened
I have a way to go but I hope my news gives you all that hope tonight if any of you are in need of it