TTC #11 The Long & Winding Road

This is a quick one for anyone who has done a Hertility test. I got my results back and everything was ‘in range’. I’m still unsure as some things look to be on the lower end of the scale and others higher but still all within their range. Did anyone go and talk over the results with their doctor if they were in range? I just feel I want more clarification.
This is a quick one for anyone who has done a Hertility test. I got my results back and everything was ‘in range’. I’m still unsure as some things look to be on the lower end of the scale and others higher but still all within their range. Did anyone go and talk over the results with their doctor if they were in range? I just feel I want more clarification.
Don’t know when you got your results but shortly after I got mine I was offered a free short call with a fertility nurse which I found helpful. I did have out of range results, I don’t know if that made a difference. So, if you have the ability to wait a little to see if they offer you that, that could be an idea? Otherwise yeah, a print out for the GP isn’t a bad idea at all!
Don’t know when you got your results but shortly after I got mine I was offered a free short call with a fertility nurse which I found helpful. I did have out of range results, I don’t know if that made a difference. So, if you have the ability to wait a little to see if they offer you that, that could be an idea? Otherwise yeah, a print out for the GP isn’t a bad idea at all!
Thank you. I just got mine back today. I’ll see if I do get anything offered. I wouldn’t be going to the doctor until January anyway, get Christmas and new year out the way first. Even although they obviously explain what everything means I still feel I could do with some more pointers.
Thank you. I just got mine back today. I’ll see if I do get anything offered. I wouldn’t be going to the doctor until January anyway, get Christmas and new year out the way first. Even although they obviously explain what everything means I still feel I could do with some more pointers.
I got my results back December last year, possibly even a wee bit later than this, and then got the email a few days later and booked for the call in Jan I think! Finger’s crossed you get offered the same ☺️
I get ‘period flu’ before my period which can be so bad I’m bed bound 😩 but severity changes every month but it’s exactly the same as early pregnancy symptoms so it’s a massive head duck.
Friday will be the earliest I can test but I just know this month isn’t my month
AF due and temp dipped massively last night so looks like cycle 19 is yet another BFN.
Waiting for our referral appointment to come through but guessing it can take a while!
Absolutely not my month either 😔 I did an ovulation test on day 9 after I got weird pains whilst driving. It was mildly positive. Did another on day 11 which is the day I should have started testing - positive 😃😃😃 Dunno if I got peak on day 10 🤷‍♀️ so I told my husband he had to do me...... unfortunately he's been somewhat "shy" since then 😬☹️ and, of course, it's all my fault for putting him under "pressure" 🤨
Absolutely not my month either 😔 I did an ovulation test on day 9 after I got weird pains whilst driving. It was mildly positive. Did another on day 11 which is the day I should have started testing - positive 😃😃😃 Dunno if I got peak on day 10 🤷‍♀️ so I told my husband he had to do me...... unfortunately he's been somewhat "shy" since then 😬☹️ and, of course, it's all my fault for putting him under "pressure" 🤨
Did you keep testing?
I tend to ovulate on CD 16
I use the cheapie strips and clear blue digital
I’m thinking of stopping and just trying to let go of knowing and just dtd but it’s so tricky not wanting full control
Did you keep testing?
I tend to ovulate on CD 16
I use the cheapie strips and clear blue digital
I’m thinking of stopping and just trying to let go of knowing and just dtd but it’s so tricky not wanting full control
But I got a positive on day 11? Surely you stop then? I did one yesterday and I think that's about day 13, it was fading, so I'm guessing that was correctly interpreted? I guess I've ovulated already?? When I got pregnant in August, I briefly looked at my dates and thought "oh it's day 15 or so, I'd better DTD to round things off". I didn't and got pregnant anyway, blaming my husband for having slow swimmers, but maybe I just ovulate early? Obviously, things could be a bit weird this month as I'm getting back to normal 🤷‍♀️
Meh, the luteal phase of my cycle is a mess. My cycle has shortened, last two have been 27 days each, but this cycle I ovulated on CD18 or thereabouts (I’m an LH tester but can’t be arsed with the other stuff because it’s already fraught in my head as it is). This isn’t quite long enough for the implantation/uterine lining thickening magic to happen if what I’ve read is to be believed. Dr Google also says this might be a low progesterone thing? It’s probably the 2 dozen supplement pills I’ve been throwing down my neck every day that has fucked me right up but I can’t bring myself to stop or change them, no matter how stupid it is. I lost 6kg in 3 weeks while on them though. Granted, I was so stressed out I couldn’t eat and was a total mess but 6kg is 6kg when you cannot shift the weight!

We had our private fertility assessment appointment earlier in the week, our consultation is next week. I guess I’ll bring it up with the doc then? I had bloods done but it was AMH only, and a trans vaginal ultrasound where I got to gaze longingly at the 23 giant polycystic follicles hanging out in my right ovary. My left was hiding so I couldn’t tell what was going on but the nurse obviously knew what she was doing. Nothing I didn’t already know tbh but it’s a means to an end which is next week and a chat with a doctor. MrDragName duly did what he had to do into a cup as well, lucky old him.
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But I got a positive on day 11? Surely you stop then? I did one yesterday and I think that's about day 13, it was fading, so I'm guessing that was correctly interpreted? I guess I've ovulated already?? When I got pregnant in August, I briefly looked at my dates and thought "oh it's day 15 or so, I'd better DTD to round things off". I didn't and got pregnant anyway, blaming my husband for having slow swimmers, but maybe I just ovulate early? Obviously, things could be a bit weird this month as I'm getting back to normal 🤷‍♀️
It’s quite common for some women to have two surges days apart.
Just got my period. Sucks. And no one really gets it. This cycle is going to be difficult due to my husbands work. Time ticks on.
Also, I used to feel like months went by so quick and how am I on my period again already kinda thing. Now a month goes by sooo slooow😅
I love my friend but she told me I’m not falling pretend because I just need to relax.

I’m pretty sure I’m out this month x
Ugh. Hate that. A friend told me “everything happens for a reason” and I was like cool. Great. What’s the reason for this? And then she was offended that I got upset by it. 🙄