I feel like there is an announcement coming work wise. I don’t know she made reference once or twice lately on podcast that dan was helping her
With decisions . She started in Feb 2018. She has not progressed, in Feb 2019 she was down 100 pounds in a year. She’s now up over half of that. It’s not normal to maintain 2 weeks in a row and sorry but the
tit the PT/nutri has her on... Rice Krispies ???? Sorry now but we all know any healthy plan for breakfast is eggs or oats or something in between. There is a major reset coming for sure. See where she goes on a day out and now won’t eat out as she is batch cooking the other night she was gone from home 6-7 hours and came back and ate 3-4 meals in one sitting before bed. She glorifies obesity a little too much for me. If dan was a true friend he would tell her to focus only on her goals for now. She keeps plugging and pushing the book where as the book is a complete farse now!