No weight loss in ages
She says she isn't calorie counting but is using my fitness pal.
One casual reference to her therapy and BED (binge eating disorder)
I mean I'm sorry she has a disorder but honest to God stop your sh1te. You're not a weight loss influencer. Give it up.
It's disgusting that Aldi Ireland call her a lifestyle expert. A woman who can't even have the pride to clean her face before her Instagram takes priority. A woman who needs to reset every single bloody day because she is so far out of control. A woman who clearly has massive and ongoing issues around food.
I don't go to Aldi anyways. But if I did I'd switch. I think its disgusting they endorse her behaviours. They advertise this mess.
And it's not good for Trisha either. She's an unemployed lump now because she has taken a leap of faith in her ads.
ALSO she never ever tags anyone else thats on a fitness or weight loss journey and there are loads of them! But she will tag every other one that has a bit of a profile. Like back when she was obsessed with Roz Purcell.
Ugh. Trisha makes me laugh in pity. Aldi makes me sick.
... wow I needed a rant this morning