I always thought it was SO odd that they literally never spent any time together. Her parents really must hate him. She and corey went from spending 24/7 together to barely anything. I think deep down she still actually cares about him and that's why she's SO beyond bitter about him moving on and really sticking up for himself. Tracy deff had the upper hand in the relationship and now that she doesn't, she's beyond her breaking point. It all makes sense though.. because when they were together everyone in her life went along with her picture perfect fake family and now that it's over, the truth is coming out.
Which brings me to my next thought.....
Now, we know she's a liar. So, on the podcast she mentioned a little while back that she wasn't ready to date, wasn't ready to do this and that, blablabla. But on her IG she constantly says and does the opposite. Which could mean two things.. 1)She thinks her only listeners on the podcast are her fans so SOMETIMES she tells the truth/gets vulnerable.. and on IG because literally anyone can follow her, she pretends that she is ready to date and do all this tit so it makes her look like she's ok. Or 2) This is all a game to her, so she flat out lies about everything.
I know when you're a fan of someone, some people can be a bit delusional to what they say.. but how do her "baddies" not see the constant lies/manipulation/contradictions. I mean, these listeners aren't 12. They are grown adults.