anything at all
VIP Member
Is there any reason to be quite so nervous about leaving him with your mum? Does he go to any childcare currently? He needs to learn some independence from you at some point or he’ll find starting school a difficult adjustment.
Hidden cameras just sounds batshit unless she has a history of neglect, violence, a medical condition that could lead her to fall, faint, fit etc. And if that was the case I would presume you wouldn’t be leaving him with her in the first place.
What is his solution to being able to be with you in labour?
Quick question on a different note - did any of you have a cervical sweep and was it successful? Had a scan today and was offered 23 Dec to be induced. I was induced last time despite my waters going spontaneously and wasn’t offered a chance for labour to start by itself. The experience was awful.
I’ve decided to wait until after Christmas to be induced, but am secretly hoping baby arrives by his own accord. I’m just wondering if people have had positive experiences of labour being brought on by a sweep. No one I know found it helped!
I think OH just judges how me and my siblings were brought up, it wasn’t bad bad but she had 4 kids and a lot to deal with all at once, she will only have just our LO to look after so it’s actually not as hard! That and her last grandchild she looked after when he was around our son’s age was 10 years ago now so she may be a bit out of practice but it’s not like she’s never had her own kids or looked after anyone else’s before. and if we are giving her the chances to watch him it’s not like she won’t pick this stuff back up. I do get the worries of leaving him with anyone at all which is why I thought we were starting off small and building the amount of time up/trying different times of day (even though we are now starting to have little time left for this ).
I don’t work so we’ve never had the need for any childcare til now and I think I’d trust my mum more with him than a nursery. Gosh and that reminds me how much OH is worried about when it comes to sending him into school too
And exactly! I don’t see the need for any cameras and I have zero worries about her harming him, I just know LO can be absolute nutter at times and I worry about him falling off sofas or banging into things, but I worry about that sort of thing when I’m watching him myself anyway. That and the toddler tantrums
Last weekend it didn’t sound like he even attempted to climb anything or run around like he does when it’s just me and him, apparently they just read lots of books and he showed her lots of his toys. Honestly sounds like he’s a lot calmer around her than he is with me
OH said ‘he doesn’t have a choice’ when it comes to going in to have this baby.. but really hoping he can relax about it at some point between now and then.
I never had a sweep no but did end up with an induction which felt very long, so can understand not wanting that again !