He's going through a process and he won't stop until he's good and ready. It's one I've been witness to far too often with an ex who is an abusive alcoholic.
I've seen my kids beg him to stop but he won't when he's in a negative spiral.
They've called in police etc and he tells them he's fine, having a drink in his own home and they go. They are limited in what they can do unless he's breaking laws.
He pushed away everyone from him. Alienated friends and family. He goes onto social media to tell his 'truth'. Then deletes it once he starts to emerge from his bender. Each time he loses a friend or two. And only one of his kids will now see him as they are adults and make their own choices.
Back to John. Whilst he's like this he won't accept support until he's ready to. Every time we think he's hit bottom it seems there is lower to go.
I'm not viewing the lives. He is feeding off them. The numbers, arguing, etc. Its all bravado and let's be honest, deeply unpleasant to hear and see.
He's not so far gone that he knows not to post them though!