VIP Member
Honestly at this point I think it’s about Tiffany getting the surgery and surviving. I pry they don’t give her the option to WW again, she needs that bloody tumour out. Her quality of life now is crap, at least she will have a chance at a future. I went on Insta and there is a girl called Running for my life, she has had a full pelvic exenteration, both bladder and colon removed, she was up walking fter two weeks. Her recovery has been amazing, she’s small like Tiffany as well. I hope Tiffany looks at pages like hers as it shows there is life after this surgery and a good life.
Think you are on the wrong page here, best hop back over ( to her comment section) to the other lunatics who believe Tiffany’s jumbled version of events!This surgeon does, I am afraid, sound quite shady. I've known good cancer surgeons (my husband had advanced cancer three years ago and I've seen truly exemplary, honest, inspirational oncological/surgical leadership. I don't want to unduly cast aspersions on Tiffany's surgeon, but I know that Indian society can belittle Indian women and girls, especially those who are naturally agreeable, as Tiffany and her mother are. I can't imagine the surgeon takes Tiffany and Amma terribly seriously, and may even end up being culturally biased against them (the patriarchy in India is terrible and women are treated like complete second-class citizens). I'm just speculating here, but having seen first-hand what good cancer mentorship and care looks like from my husband's case, I can tell you that the way Tiffany has been treated (/not treated) is shocking and concerning. We should be deeply sceptical about her surgeon and his honesty.