I tried not to click but alas! I paused to type this…
So it seems we are really helping Tiffany aren’t we gang!?
She’s checking in on Amma to see if she’s ok and if she’s eaten….hmm!
She’s making her own sandwiches..all by herself…
Egg sandwiches are not yum nor deserving of a dance
but whatever …
And wow she’s now donating money to a good cause…
But Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany… I remember ALL the times you mentioned the ward and the room you were recovering in !! I think it was over two separate vlogs I thought at the time you wanted one of your subscribers to send something or turn up… So I am not confused…
I am not shocked, you’re not shocked .. you’re pleasantly surprised…
Aren’t you?
Let me continue and watch…
Ps. The title Cosy day ….
you’re Reading tattle I see, .. that’s fab
cosy, cosy,cosy